i am getting soooo mad about all these jerks on ms. i find it kinda sad that i have to make a third blog about this crap. any way today i was pqing and i saw this guy with the name wwvwwvwvv. of course on ms this looked like wwwwwww. so anyways i was bored andd i said his name outloud using my skills. and then all of a suddeny he starts cussing at me and stuff. then he and his freinds start saying really hurtful things. they started to make racist remarks when i wasnt even black and saying how stupid i was just cus i didnt no how to bypass the censor and crap like that.
y do ppl do this?
i did nothing wrong?
just because my skin is tanned and my character’s name is darkruler that doesnt mean that u can say such racist things to me or anyone.
y is this guy not banned?
y do ppl think its fun to do this on an online game?
i seriously think that ms needs an attiude adjustment.
btw his name is w w v w w v w v v
use this as ur track for ludi pq in bera, or do whatever with it.
i just dont feel like playing ms rite now T.T all cus of that freak.
EDIT: the funny thing is that im not even black. he just assumed from my character’s skin color. im azn but some of my rl friends are black .
thanks for reading
lol i got a trade with this dude on basil -_-‘
well guess wut i h8 more?
angry pqers like urs (the wwvwwvvw? guy), which r just really angry children
well done steak
and peeps who steal ur stuff in bonus (illl kill them!)
This one guy got scammed by a VVWVWVWVWVVWVW in Broa he said he just went throiugh the ground O_O
The hell,
You can talk about someone who is black in a racist way and no one cares, but if you say “asian” it becomes a riot? e-mail WIzet about that, you really could get him banned.