
i didnt really know how to write the title but it’s not really about tiger as a whole.

every now and then, i’ve seen stuff about tiger/saying bout tiger/random stuff about tiger/whatever you got the gist. then when you click on it (and for noobs, ready to flame them until they burn to a nice, tender crisp), you realize it’s about something that has less than 1% relation to the title, sort of like this one but this one actually having more than 1%… hopefully.

any other annoying or interesting topics you might have seen but realize that the writing inside has no relation to it?

One thought on “tiger”

  1. LOTS. On basilmarket their was this person with a title typing; “OMG I HAVE.” And he finished it with “a problem, can you help me?” It pised me off how they can advertise so we can click on the thing.

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