Go read it if you want to know, for those who do know, here is the real way to get to papulatus.
*Breathes in*
*Breathes out*
First, get 10 tachions from any ludi monster in the deeper side of the clocktower (warped time, forgotten time, etc.)
Next (which I took like 3 hours to do), get 300 (yes, count them, 300) tachions, along with 100 mysterious powders from Master Death Teddys.
Third, get the 3 different pieces of cracked dimension from either Grim Phantom Watches or Giga Spirit Vikings.
And finally, obtain the real piece of cracked dimension, then kill either Thanatos or Gatekeeper to get the ludi medal, giving you permission to enter the Origin of the Clocktower.
Here is many people’s mistake: You do NOT click on the tombstone (piece of bad ornament currently), you enter the center of the clocktower.
Finally, drop the dimension piece over the hole that resembles the piece. Break the whatjacallit (crap, curse short-term memory), and prepare to burn! Pots that is (and possibly kill you, like that hasn’t happened to me yet).
For a personal opinion on how long you last, well, mages are gonna have a real hard time with the physical damage if he uses dispel beforehand. his magic will be fine even without magic guard as long as you have a DK with steady HB. The dark stars will be a pain in the neck (of course, what do I know? I died within 3 minutes longest). Lucky for you, after you kill papulatus clock, papulatus has the Jr. Boogie effect (crouch and stay there forever, if you want), so your party (or what’s left of them) can alternate attacks to confuse that pain in your butt.
This is my guide to papulatus from a lvl 100.
Have fun, and don’t die.
No seriously, try to live.
Cookies, anyone?
EDIT: this is for any MS that has papulatus, MSEA, well, I’m not sure.
, what’s a tachion? how do u obtain the real piece of cracked dimension? i only got armbands and a few scrolls and a lot of unagis from gatekeeper =.=