You’re thinking: wth does OS have to relate to AR? A whole lot.
Hey eager people, what happened when Omega Sector came out? People rushed into it, got excited for 1 day 2 hours 3 minutes and a millisecond (exaggeration) and then got on with their lives. Point here, don’t rush things. In this case, especially a new area to be checked. Rushing (besides PQing) ruins a lot of things. Aslo helps a lot of things, but that’s not the point in this case.
Aqua Road is cool because you can jump around in the water xD.
LOL jump around? well it’s always good to try new things =D
AR is like OS except it hav waters and no aliens and after a few days at aqua every1 will say
OMG AR SUCKS NOW!11111!1!1
I agree. When Omega Sector came out, I messed around on the other areas for a WEEK before deciding to explore it, same for Ludi. Gets it initial mobs out of the way, and empty training spots galore. =D
I agree, people will be bored of it before the end of the month. But the fact that Omega was crappy anyways and Aqua Road is alot nicer looking may also play an effect =D