It’s that time of year again!

No, not Christmas, if that’s what you’re thinking. Wait another 8 months. Or 7 and some days.

It’s Maple Anniversary!

Where every map with a monster that drops maple weapons and/or armor is crowded with noobs, spammers, idiot hackers, scammers, and etc.

The cake gained weight. I mean, how is that even possible!? Did it eat itself or something?

The candles. They got a much more ‘Sophisticated’ look, but drops are still annoying.

Both have gained some exp we could suck out of them like vultures (65 and 20 respectively).

The maple hat: lvl 70. A non-zakum hat-user’s dream. Such as I. It’s an extremely cut-down version of the Zakum Helm (1), at +3 for all abilities, +15 hp and mp, and some amont of defense in the 50s and 60s. perfect for my Hermit. Not so for a lvl 112 mage.

The maple flag: another useless material that shouldn’t be qualified as a weapon. Just for good looks, just the the wedding costumes.

The maple star: every sin’s (and everyone else) dream of owning. To the average mapler, it might not be amazing now.

What am I kidding? The average mapler would die for one!

All you got to do is wait a few months or weeks and the price will skyrocket! (or plummet, depending on the amount of stars found in this event. Highly unlikely, though)

New map: if it’s the new beginner thing, don’t know, don’t care. It’s for level 10-, and I’m lvl 10+.

You know, if I could be helpful somehow, I would go to bubblings or wild boars and hold up a sign that says, “Beware of noobs”. Or kick them out. Just like Halo.

That’s a wrap!

3 thoughts on “It’s that time of year again!”

  1. It’s also that time of the month for some of the ladies…

    That’s all I have to say on the matter. =/


  2. Watch, there is going to be a huge inflation in Maple weapons, then it will die down a few weeks after they stop dropping

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