Hi ho With a Dairy O?

Alright ladys and sirs the Dragoon is coming at you with another blog of . . .-looks up opposite of epic-
Surpassed expectations. . .
Thats right I’m mainly posting some new combos and well. . .
A new comicy series. . .
Yep There called captionless comics. . .
Basically all you do is fill in what there saying. . .

For pic 2 the charys are. . .
Zookeep(the girl with the net)
Ducky Elvis(you should know who it is. . .)
Raymond(the guy on the right)
And lastly Alex(the girl)

And pic 3
You have Raymond
The Speedo Ninja
And Alex. . .
(edit-Feel free to start filing in)

That’s all that ive really done. . .

Whell I did get to level 16 (i think)on my sin.

DalBit is same as always. . .28. . .-sigh-

That’s all for now. . .

I think. . .
Oh yah my sin’s ign=DarkOfArk if anyone is interested. . .
Windian True and Blue yessirybob. . .

Tata for now friends, foes, unknown, and others.

Nighty night with an orange on top.

8 thoughts on “Hi ho With a Dairy O?”

  1. Expect less and less combos and stuff as the year gets nearer to thanksgiving. . .
    (evil teachers)

  2. Ehehe.

    We have a huge test tomorrow (and I still haven’t finished that absolutiffingly massive assignment also due tomorrow!), but after that, we have a three-day weekend and next next week is our Thanksgiving break!

  3. I have like a huge reading assignment (1984 ftl) and I have to do a social studies project, and do a project for science!


  4. I only have 3 or 2 days for Thanksgiving break
    (my Thanksgiving is going to be teh sux0rz)

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