–Charicters–<Made Up>
RollingSinx-10x Hermit
Beez-10x DK
JuvinDevil-10xF/P Mage
CuteArrowz-10x Ranger
CuteArrowz: Im dam bored Beez what ya wana do?
Beez: How the heck am I supposed to know im the dum one!
RollingSinx:Cmon guys maybe we can hunt Grims?
CuteArrowz:Grimz suck something eles.. Hey maybe the smart one knoes.
CuteArrowz: Nvm hes even dummer than Beez…
RollingSinx: I thought Juvin raised INT not HP or MP o.o
Beez: Lets just go hunt grims you chatty people..
CuteArrows: Slaps Beez in the nuts
Beez: dont make me take out my FairFrozen…
CuteArrows: Dont make me shoot Inferno aiming at your fat butt…
Beez: Gulp..
JuvinDevil: Hey hey lets just go hunt Zakum or Bain or C rog or Grims or Ballons or Bubbles or Women..
CuteArrows: WOMEN???? cool IM GAANA KILL U!!!!!
Beez: hey Rolling should we stop them?
RollingSinx: Sits down on a chair and eats popcorn: nahh i wana see this spectacle.
????: Hi there would you come with me and help me on something???
-To Be Continued-
Too confusing xD
O.O” wth?! WAIT! CuteArrows is a female ranger rite XD?!
Why is Juvin so dumb. . .>__>
– VanillaPocki –
i think cool replaced O M F G
“RollingSinx: Sits down on a chair and eats popcorn: nahh i wana see this spectacle.”
it gave me a good laugh :]
altough the mage looked quite dumbe even WITH around 500 int(probably
[qoute=FoulShot]FoulShot : THAT JSUT SUCKED
Yea sorta wat he said,