
l was wondering, look at the diffrence between KMS and JMS horntails, l found a JMs one go to youtube and find the KMS one, it’s very diffrent. JMS

11 thoughts on “Horntails”

  1. A Gm did, but what l am currently asking is, that KMS and JMS has two diffrent horntails, if you look at it carefully, theres a slight diffrence with the horns.

  2. I don’t see a difference T_T

    Edit-Nvm, I thought the one embedded was the KMS one ^_^”

    Edit #2- Is it the attack? Because the kMS one,its horn glows while the JMS’s is eyes glowing.

  3. I thought, ‘Ooh, Harry Potter’ when I saw the title.


    No, I’m not a Potter nut.

  4. The Horntail as a whole has 3 heads.

    In that video, the JMS GM only summoned one head.

  5. Actually, both are the same. What is visible on that video up there is only a fraction of what you need to kill of Horntail.

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