Add me to MSN :D

Add me to msn pl0x 😀 only people in usa or ill rape you to death

Michal Jackson said: ” Lalalalalalaalalalalala s(u)cks p(e_nis o.o “

9 thoughts on “Add me to MSN :D”

  1. EvilStranger said: “Yeah, from your sexually related humor, I am sure thousands of people are going to add you!

    And only people from the US? Racist. (Not really)”

    Yes, in the 1916-20’s in america, americans were increidebly racist against black people.
    They lynched them without feeling of guilt. However,
    don’t forget about hitler.

  2. Yeah, from your sexually related humor, I am sure thousands of people are going to add you!

    And only people from the US? Racist. (Not really)

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