I was at Jr. Yetis in Watch Out for Icy Path I (the first map right of El Nath), and I was obviously killing them, at 1:30 AM (Friday). I saw this suspicious F/P mage named Skyyoyo, level 80+ who KSed me, didn’t ask me to cc, and cced himself whenever I went in his channel. Then I went to the top left corner of the map, and I saw this. . . A Jr. Yeti Transformed!
And later, Skyyoyo came up and killed the Jr. Yeti Transformed, and it dropped its horn, an elixer, and a gold ore.
i thoguht those dont transform in that area? 0_o
I saw a Transformed Jr. Yeti in that map before. Maybe it’s an extremely rare occurence? o.o