Where I have been

I had planned to stop training when I got to ranger and do other stuff.

Orbis PQ

I wanted to finally finish one (and get my revenge on those #@$% boggies >&lt, how difficult could that be? A lot more than I thought, that’s for sure.
First of all, getting in. Why does no one want a ranger in their party? I went through countless hours of begging and channel surfing until, due to guild rules, I changed my spamming to ‘j> non-glitch PQ’ and almost instantly I got an invite. Funny, I thought it was the other way round. And off we go…
Entrance: gather 20 pieces of cloud, piece of cake.
Tower of Goddess: people were nice enough to kill all the boggies (Revenge! >D).
Lobby: jumping skills needed, but in this stage I can let other people do the hard work (while pretending to try XD)
Lounge: more jumping.
Tower of Goddess (again): even MORE jumping.
Sealed Room: GAAAAAAAAH!!!
I think that sums it up pretty well. I thought that after all this I was to die at boss, but we kicked his fat butt (I was in a good party).


Too boring for my level -.-

Zombie Mushmom
Got Ksed twice by time trackers ><

Jr. Balrog
I got to the Sanctuary, but every time you change channel it takes you back to the entrance, so channel surfing wasn’t an option for me; I have to go with someone who helps me get past tauros.

Headless Horseman
This wasn’t planned; someone in the guild said “let’s kick this dude’s butt” when I was near, so I went. The first time we pwned, but later our priest DC’d, two rangers went away and I died twice. I’ll get my revenge…

Getting equips

Dark Patriot: It was difficult to even find someone selling it, and I kept losing all auctions in the last minute, until I bid 1.5m. Beat that, loosers .

Dark Lineros: not much to say here, ‘cept that I ruined it with 100%’s.

Dark Elf Shoes: By this time you may have realized I was getting a dark set. Anyways, no one selling these, again; when realization struck me: ‘Why not have them made?’. I had all the items but dark jr. yeti skins; should be easy to get them, right? Wrong! Turns out that the buggers transform 90% of the times you kill them, and 90% of the times they don’t transform they drop NOTHING.
Fortunately, I found an auction with auto-win at 300k (when the normal price was 1m ^^).

Black Gaia Cape: Had to go to the lava zone in Nath TWICE and kill some oversized dogs, but that was easier than finding it in basil/FM.

Earrings: I was going to buy metal silver earrings, but roaming aimlessly in free market I stumbled upon Cecelia’s earrings, which have more magic defense, a bit of weapon defense and are cheaper (And seem specially made for my char )

Hinkel: Scrolled it myself and got it to 93, which is 4 more than the bow I had before -.-

I know I haven’t blogged in a long while (second half of the year was crazy), but I’m on vacation now so I’ll try to update more often.

2 thoughts on “Where I have been”

  1. Awesome reading. Grats on the shoes and good luck w/ whatever your going to do. Don’t you play in Broa/

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