>>;; DD14 Delayed? xD

[Edit] There it’s posted, don’t hurt me! xD

Okay, okay! Please dont’ kill me! -__-;;
I’ve got five out of six or seven pages done, and I’ll write the rest as soon as I get home tomorrow, it’s just that I ran out of time tonight. >>;; *was working on it from 6-11 o’clock tonight* It took so long because I kept gettin g distracted.. I’m sorry! xD

I’ll do my best to get it posted tomorrow, when I shant have any homework due immediately, and can spend a good hour or so finishing up. Trying to finish it tonight will require I get in it deep with the parents for staying up, and will genrally make the story suck even more than normal. *rolls eyes*

Tomorrow then! >>; I really won’t make you all wait another week this time! V_v;;

9 thoughts on “>>;; DD14 Delayed? xD”

  1. You’d better. Or . . . Um. Well. Yeah. YOU’D BETTER! >/ Yay. I know how to make angry faces now xD

  2. . . .if it isn’t posted by tomorrow, I will KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL YOU! Ya hear?! Even if you gave me Four Swords, I will be majorly pissed and generally KEEEEEEEEL you! YES!?! *manic look in eyes*

  3. You’d better, Munkypaste. Des, could we borrow your metal potato marsher, just in case? 😛

  4. You better watch out tomorrow, Munky, or I’ll make a personal trip down to the States.

    *readys closet of torture equips*

  5. Why of course, Sil-sil. I’ve just had one of my muses lend me a particularly nasty whip. See, it has spikes! *flourishes, takes random bystander’s eye out*

    Oops. >_>

    Well, I have my favourite bishie’s knife too. . .look, it’s magically kept constantly white-hot 😀 I could go into great detail about the hundreds of torture implements he has in his collection, but I’d probably disturb all of you considerably. xD So I won’t.

    I’m waiting for that update, Munkypaste.

  6. *raises flying pencils threateningly* I’m watching for that update tomorrow, Munky. *glare* And if you don’t, I’ll sic Kurama and Hiei on you. =D

  7. Yes *pant pant* 9.1 pages of goodness, see the MMOid for details. ^_^
    Thanks for the encouragement (*cough* deaththreats) everyone!

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