Animations by CirrusEpix… quality!

Yeah, just thought I’d resurface to share these Maple related shorts with you guys. (Didn’t make them, found them.) Very good, I likey. ^_^


12 thoughts on “Animations by CirrusEpix… quality!”

  1. *pokes the Munk*

    I’ve only ever seen the first one. XD The second one is even more hilarious, though.

  2. Lol, i love it when that hacker kept stealing her’s mush caps so she puts a horny mush cap out >.>

  3. *lol* SilSil, you saw the other one because I gave it to you as well. But yeah, Brian Schmoyer is a genuis. If you liked these, take a look at the Slowloft series as well, which satirizes the pharmaceutical industry.

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