My most newbie PQ ever just started one ay when i was level 41. I was joining a ludi Pq. i quickly got in a party led by a level 36 with members of level 39 or less. I figured they couldn’t be that bad, and i’d just bail before the boss.
We started by trying to go in. that took a while. the channel was mpty, but most of the party members kept randomly searching for an open channel. It took about 10 minutes to convince them i was in the only open one. We got in, and one got excited and shouted, OGM!!! (as in a typo of OMG) another said, Gm? Where! So they began to look for a GM, while I did the level on my own.
Stage two, we all had to get the passes. Me realizing that i was in a party of newbs, knew i had to solo as many levels as possible. i ran in. One opened the 2nd box, and we all got warped, except for 1 who was lagging. I soloed that level, while they engaged in conversation about Naruto.
Stage 3, the bloctopusses. One newb, thinking the boxes had items inside. bashed one open. bloctos came out and killed him. the others want on, actually doing the level. but I did most. they kept flying back down.
Stage 4. i was stupid enough to mark the portal i went in with 10 mesos. a newb got it. So i did all the mage portals, hoping they’d be smart enough to do the rest. eventually i convinced them they had to.
Stage 5 they were smart enough to do this one right. but some 1 forgot a pass. so he eventually made me go back and get it. One newb was showing off and used dark sight. he noticed the portal and did it.
Stage 6. they tried about every friggin combination before they got it right.
Stage 7. they tried to kil the monster at the topof the screen. A thief got them eventually. i soloed 2 rombards, then they joined in and killed it, however one newb died in the process, and thus the PQ came to an end.
Stage 8. We didn’t do this one, but i can imagine it being VERY VERY ugly.
4 thoughts on “T3h newbiest Ludi Pq EVER!”
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Better than mine, some idiot went afk in the middle of stage 8, came back, then proceeded to tell us how to count when he himself couldnt count, and another time, an idiot thought the block golems in stage 5 were regular block golems, and after the leader told him you got a pass from killing one, you can imagine what happen
That actually made me laugh.
Oi, haha that must have been brutal