This is my first blog -_- so blah here i go
Today wasnt a normal day. It felt as if something had been gone since I had lvld to 88. As I ride on the ship to Victoria Island I find myself thinking Do I still have love for this game??? As the ship goes Crimson Barlog came. As usual i assaulterd it to death using my Dragon Tail. I find my self thinking agian why do I still play this game. As I arrive at Ellnia Station I find myself bored. I dont know what to do or where to go. Somehow i end up walking to Henesys to Ks Noobs. I know it isnt a nice thing to do but I was just so bored. When I enter Henesy I find myself sitting on a bench instead of Ksing Noobs. So i just sit and think Should i stay on maplestory or should i go? About 2minuts later i get a chat invite from a close friend. But to find out that it was my friends friend on the acount. So she says to me
me: why whats wrong?
her: some guy just changed this password
me: what??? who else would know his email besides him
her: i dont know but i check mapleglobal and the pass is changed
me: ……
her: what should i do hes demanding the kage
me: what -_- so he wants only the kage?
her: yes
me: but he changed the pass u wont get that acount back
me: transfer the items to another acount and give it back later
her: omg thats the guy whos said he changed the pass
All of a sudden a lvl 10 rouge comes out and says
hacker: are u transfering the items to him?
her: no
me: dude leave us alone and F*** off…
So the hacker says brb in 15minutes. I continue to tell my friend to transfer the stuff. Stuff as in 112/4 Kage, 16mil and alot of Phantom drops. By the time we get the stuff transfered I go back to Henesys. Just sitting on a bench thinking of what to do. Finally i realized that i have no love for this game at all. As I tell my friends I will be quiting maplestory tommrow morning they all spam me. Even superphone my name tell me not to quit. But i have no love for this game but thanks for showing care about me. I head to ch1 freemarket and begin purchasing gifts for my friends. I give them everything i could afford and i tell them to rember me with these items. And rember all the times we had. I will never forget you guys for making my 10 month stay on maplestory. Just wanted to say Thank You and good luck at becoming stronger. Have Fun.
nooo dont quit
even though i dont know you dont abandon your friend jus like that
O_o. Your first blog, and you’re quitting. Maybe you’ll recover from the fatigue some time soon. At least you can move on.
uhm dude i had my first intention to stop after a long time too i quitted for say like, on week ? no more xD u’ll come back on maplestory, they aaaalllll come back one day xD
in fact i feel lke quiting too, no point after i play for a bout over 1 year already, plus my acc is sooo weak,
Well if you’ve already given away your stuff, the damage is done XD But eh, chances are someday you’ll want to come back, even if just to mess around for a while. You might want to keep at least some basic equipment for that reason~
I’d also suggest you try to keep touch with your friends, via AIM or email or forums or whatever suits you best. Remember that when you quit any online game in which you’ve made friends, you leave a hole behind you. Keeping touch with your friends will help that heal faster.
That aside though, best wishes in, the real world o_o;
I got hacked, but I’m downloading maple right now, just so I can get back onmy feet. I hope you go back to the game someday,
How bout giving someoe your account before quitting? That act will prove that your really sincere about it and not just trying to put others off.
I don’t really know the point of saying that.
On the last pic was that u? You have a maple wife and u wanna quit? If it is then I advise u to divorce her first.
Uhh, may I have your account lol?
lol rawr i just woke up, in all the pics i am in it, and no you may not havce my acount -_-
Daniel you punk leaving a Laos brother like that >:O come back next summer! NO wait im goign to Laos next summer Come back later then