I have to repeat for emphasis. ONLY the BEST MMORPG, –EVER-! (Note 1).
Anyways, any of you WoW’ers out there that read any of my previous blogs, I’m no longer on Jaedenar. My friend there sold his account (e.e; again. This is like the freaking seventh time, and he always makes me re-roll on a new server he’s playing on), so I just transfered my rogue off to play with a couple of my other friends. If you, or anyone you know plays WoW, tell them to stop by Burning Legion and give Taekwondo a whisper . Anyways, moving on.
So yeah, a recent problem has risen in my WoW-ing lately. Ever since I hit level 50, I’ve been hesitant to travel through noob areas. Why, you ask? Because every damn level 20 and below whispers me, “Hey, can you spare me 20 gold?!” Except of course, with broken grammar, and more exclamation marks, and usually, IN LARGE CAPITAL LETTERS. Believe it or not, this is the first problem I’ve ever had with begging. It’s frankly beginning to get annoying.
On another side note, the cons of a PVP server is starting to get on my nerves. For those of you who don’t understand, there are two different types of servers in WoW. There are PvE servers (Normal), where you can’t kill the opposite faction in neutral zones (unless they flag for PvP, but that’s another story). Then, there’s PvP servers, where when in neutral zones, you are automatically flagged for PvP, the opposite faction can attack you at will! World of Warcraft is allooooottt bigger than Maple Story, so actually seeing big groups of the opposite faction is rare, but you still have to keep an eye out.
The point is, I’m trying to level, but for some reason, at all my questing spots, there’s been Horde everywhere lately. And this was last night! AT 2:00 AM. DO THEY EVER SLEEP?! Can you imagine how many times I’ve had to kill one guy over and over again to make him leave so I can quest?! It’s tiring, and really hurts my xp/hr. Well, free honor. I’ll need about 40,000 Honor points anyways by the time I hit 60…gotta upgrade my swords SOME day. I mean, I’m level 54, and I’m still using a level 38 sword!! Geee, I’m so uber.
Ah, and of course, what can an MMO be without DRAMA?! I recently got a random promotion from the guy who invited me to my current guild, and my Guild Master logs on, and he starts YELLING at me, like it was my fault. Maybe some sort of conspiracy set up by me to claim the throne, or something. Eh, whatever, I ended up not being demoted, and he said sorry, but things feel a little tense. Also, I’m pretty sure I’m ditching this guild in a couple weeks anyways.
Moving onto the next subject, DRAENEI!! Draenei is a new player race introduced in the Burning Crusade expansion pack. They look like…I don’t know how to explain, but EVERY. ****ING. DRAENEI. IS. A. ****ING. GIRL. Why does this piss me off? BECAUSE. ALL. OF. THEM. ARE. GUYS. It’s really really really sickening. I mean, even with Night Elf females, you could be 50% sure it’s actually a girl, but when you’re looking at that Draenei Shaman, you know for a ****ing FACT, that she has a PENIS IN HER GOD DAMN PANTS. Now, some of you may be all, “What’s wrong with playing a girl?” “What, you’d rather stare at a guy’s ass all day?” “-Random bull****-“. It’s just, I’ve observed, that when you play a girl character, you begin to become…girly. I don’t know why, but all these G.I.R.L’s ACT girlish, over game, but certain characteristics give them away of course.
There are no girls on the internet.
And, aren’t men proud of their penises anymore?! (Or am I alone?)
But the Draenei males ARE foogly. I still wouldn’t play a female character to level 70. It does weird things to a man. And the females have that weird exotic alien seductiveness about them. Not to mention BLizzard made their models with HUGE BULGING ASSES. They’re so freaking HUGE. HUUUGE. HUGE. HUGE. If only more of the females didn’t have that mysterious bulge in the front of their pants.
I’m looking really forward to level 70. I’m really close. Maybe some day, this blog will be a blog about my raiding experiences! (*Note 2)
In the meantime, I bid thee adieu.
*Note 1- May not apply to everyone.
*Note 2- Not likely to ever happen.
P.S. Some funny chat in WoW.
[3. LocalDefense] [Myzzeri]: Help theres Horde at Marshal’s Refuge!!
[3. LocalDefense] [Symmone]: How many?
[3. LocalDefense] [Myzzeri]: Three!
[3. LocalDefense] [Taekwondo]: THERE’S 3 OF THEM, AND 3 OF US. WE’RE CLEARLY OUTNUMBERED!
My math is uber.
I’m a girl. . . .
A diamond in the rough.
Uhhh, I have a feeling you’re going to get banned for this blog. And there are sevral girls on the internet. -points at Annikabelle- There’s one already.
@DaCh33z: The VERY VERY VERY rough. O.o
I kinda agree with Wsxedrc08. Plus another thing. MMOtales is one of the worst places to post WoW related blogs, since the majority of the people who blog, play either MapleStory, or Flyff.
Quote Grimno- “Its like going into a Star Trek convenetion dressed as a StormTrooper.”
So, you’re telling me, that you would want to stare at a bunch of pixel’s arses? Male or female, you’re STILL wierd.
And there is nothing wrong with playing a female character. It does nothing to you, unless you go out looking for a boyfriend. Jeez. I play one, and look at my first blog. Do I sound “girly” in that? Do I sound girly now?
And my female cousin plays a female draenei Did it hurt when you just puilled that fact out of your arse? Yes, I’m very mad.
Yes, I think you’re gonna get banned
I didn’t say ALL Draenei are guys. I said MOST OF THEM. And they tend to turn a bit FRUITY. lol. I was just expressing opinion. What is this, North Korea?
Oh I did say all of them. Well, enough of a majority that it doesn’t even matter.
You just insulted girls.
How could you.
*Crys histerically in a corner*
Your maths rock!
ROFL@ the FOOGLY arses.
Haha, PvP realms are tough when your training in major grinding/questing areas. (STV for example)
Yeah it’s North Korea so you can go to hell. We don’t need your biased opinions and negative attitude here.
I don’t find any of this offensive. In fact, I find it quite amusing.
I’ve always had a warped sense of humour, though.
Well, I’m not quite sure of who’s a girl and who’s a boy (not that I really pay attention) so I just assume the gender and call everyone gentlemen, sir, mister, etc. Usually I’m right. o.o
The brains of people . . .
45% of online players are girls. The rest (55%) are boys.
10% of the girls play as boy characters (usually no choice), while 40%! of boys play as girl charaters (5% of that 40% are bi.)
Oh god, I’m sorry for this, but I just keeled over laughing for 5 minutes.
Anyway, it’s kind of pointless, eh, looking at your female character everyday, I mean, my friends in Maple have made female accounts for the “distribution of money”, but whenever I play a female character, I get the shivers.
Like Karma’s readying a Squirrel Army on me.
to all u WoW’ers out there this is what ur gonna become!
OMG, after reading that whole thing, OMG, seriously, i think ppl wh play WoW need to get a life, maybe a gf to fend off there horniness, idk but maybe its juss him thats like, realy horny!
We are going to become a TV watching froggeh?
My dad plays WoW, watch your mouth, boy.
omg theres no xxx pics >:[