Oooh, got some positive feedback on my introduction blog. I hope to keep you guys interested.
Alright, so if you’re a WoW player, or know someone who plays WoW, you know how excited you, or they are about the upcoming expansion pack that’s going to be released nigh January 16th. There’s going to be two new races, the level cap increased from 60 to 70, and a whole new world to explore, and oh jesus, just too many sexy things to list in one paragraph. In any case, I was getting on the boat to Menethil, when I saw another boat at dock. It was new, because I’ve never seen it before. I checked the sign and saw that it lead to one of the new areas! And Burning Crusade isn’t even out yet!
However, when I hopped on, it sent me to the nearest graveyard with a message saying, “You need to have the Burning Crusade Expansion Pack installed to gain access to this area.”
LAME. BUT! Me and my friend had an idea. We’ll just swim to this place! I mean, it WAS on the map, and theoretically we could make it. However, the results of the adventure weren’t as expected. View the screenshots to see.
The world is spherical? I think not. The world is flat, and there are walls at the edges! I think the Pope is rolling in his grave about this one.Pretty ironic we made priests to do this. Also, don’t worry, I’m not into the whole playing females thing, the character’s already deleted. In any case, mission failure =< Damn Blizzard..too smart.
Also, Happy Late New Years everyone!
You are making me explode.
It’s a level 1 night elf priest. We both made them because the Night Elf starting zone is the closest to the targeted area, and also, at level one, mana regen is crazy fast. Just barely fast enough for us to heal us through the depleted Fatigue bar.
I suggest everyone try it, because it sure was fun as hell, despite pointless =P
Hehe, I tried that too. Sux doesn’t it?
Sweet something other than maplestory
that looks like a blast =)
the third and fourth pics.
I’m a huge Warcraft fan, just picked it up recently. I’m nearing the end of the Undead campaign in Reign of Chaos. Frostwyrms. Yum.
Don’t know if you played it but if you do/did, we have so much to discuss.
Sweeet WoW!
Lol never go swimming, once i tried it (I played lvl 18 warrior with godly equips) and i got stuck at the bottom, didnt know how to swim out so i died, then i respawned at the graveyard and there were millions of bad dudes there so i got pwned. then i went back to my own town adn got pwned by 2 lvl 60 dudes that were horde, lol
What job are you? I think your a nightelf priest from the pictures
For the HORDE!
Undead warlock here, just letting you know that alliance pwns us in PvP.
hard to admit but true!
Make an Undead Priest, so easy to train, just heal all the undead dudes lol