K.. So today all i basically did was play ms, first i was looking for someone that was selling the blue chaos robe for a cheap price because as i said in my last blog i leveled to 33 and i needed my equip so first all i did was go to el-nath to buy my wizard wand and then meanwhile i was there i was biding on a white chaos robe in basil market and i forgot about the auction so i just bought a blue chaos robe for 300k in aqua, then i took the scroll up the orbis tower and on the way back from orbis to ellenia my computer lagged….bad and got killed by a balrog so i switched channels. once i was in ellenia happy with all my lvl 33 equip i went to train a little bit i got to 40% and then i thought that i should get my level 35 gloves so i did the lvl 15 jump quest by john and then i did the other one that rewards u with the level 35 gloves (it took me about 2 hours) and yes it was really annoying i kept on falling and falling i got really pissed. After that i went to train more in the Ant Tunnel. I had to recharge my pots and for some reson i saw that i wasnt in my guild anymore it probzably got deleted. then i saw a bowman witha guild and i asked him if i could join he said “sure” and gave me the name of his leader the leader came to meet us and invited me to the guild he was really nice and ind to me. And we agreed to trade fame tomorow. Later i saw a bunch of crap that i didnt for 500k. After that i trained and leveled to lvl 34. I cant wait to go to fireboars at lvl 35.
3 thoughts on “Long Day PLaying Ms”
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Lol. You do know what the name of your guild means right? And btw, you don’t need to be level 35 to train at fire boars. o.o
You can go there now if you want. Go for the good of the city and mankind!
If you mean one hit ko train on fire boars, then now is not the time. . .
For two hit KO, level 35-37 would be a decent time.
I could 2 hit ko! Them! On
I got a tuxedo
at like level 33 or something