My sister is noober than a REAL newbie

This blog is actually useless but something happened today that made me think about the past and I decided to write it out.

My sister(Grace) has a cleric thats level 3x. She had started to play almost everyday but because of this, she made my cousins(Susan & Tony [siblings]) hate Maple Story because Grace kept bothering them. My cousins ended up quitting Maple Story for a while. After Grace leveled to around 33 ish, she quit Maple Story as well. While she was still active, I had gotten free NX cash from a friend as a thanks for training his mage. Grace then wanted NX cash so badly and ended up trying to BUY it from strangers. Thus, she lost 200k and quit. I laughed at her for that.

Then one day when my cousins came over to my house, Susan started a bandit while Grace started an assassin. They got it to about level 10 and stopped training them. After a few months later and I had reached about level 55, my cousins came back. Susan used to be an Archer but she quit at level 2x and Tony was a warrior and quit at 2x too. This time, Susan became a Bandit while Tony became a Fire/Poison Wizard. They reached their 2nd job advancement (finally) and then about a month later, Grace started to play for some reason. I told Grace Susan’s and Tony’s IGNs and when I was at their house, they said they rejected her buddy request and pretended that they weren’t active players. Because of this, Susan became motivated to become a lot stronger than Grace and she planned to run away from Grace everytime with her Haste. Tony would run away with teleport. Since Grace was so annoying and nooby, my cousins and I tried to look for a “secret base”. I had no problem running away but my cousins needed a place to hide. And Grace usually walked over to me and poked the living hell out of me. =(

A few days ago right before we went to sleep, Grace asked me “Jen, why do I hit straight when I jump and attack?” I asked her “What the hell are you talking about man.” she then said, “Like, those other sins hit down when they jump and I hit straight. . . Why?” I said to her “Uh. . . Did you max Keen Eyes?” She just said “No. . . What’s that do?” Instead of answering her, I just decided to sleep since she could just read the skill description herself.

Today while I was watching t.v. because my oldest sister was using my computer to download music, Grace was bothering me about Maple Story. She said to me, “Jen, how do i get wolbi or kumbi?” I said, “Ew wolbis. Why do you want those? And you go to free market to buy them from people.” I said that she should just get stars such as Mokbi, Kumbi, Wooden Tops, Icicles, Ilbis, or Tobis. She said to me “Omg what’s with those names?!” Then she walked into the free market and asked me “Where are all the people?” I said to her “Omg, you have to go to channel 1.” After playing some SSB:M, I asked my oldest sister if she was done with my computer. She was done soo she got off and then I got on. Then Grace started to scream “Jen! Items are growing out of the floor in Piggy Beach! What’s a propeller for? I got a propeller!” I said to her, “A propeller?! A PROPELLER?!.” She just said, “They’re from a toy plane.” I said “I KNOW where they’re from. Why do you have a propeller?” She said “It grew from the ground!” I walked to her computer and she showed me. I was like “You idiot, there could be a hacker there. And a propeller isn’t even rare.” She said, “Yes it is!” After I went back to my computer, she screamed to me “JEN! THERE’S A FLYING PIG! HAHAHAHAHA OMG THE PIG IS FLYING LOOK JEN!” I said, “Wow. . .That’s vac hack you moron. You should leave or someone might think YOU’RE the hacker and report you.” She just kept on laughing and laughing. . .then went to watch tv. What a weirdo. lol

Thanks for reading.

6 thoughts on “My sister is noober than a REAL newbie”

  1. Wow that’s hilarious, but a tad mean to your sister? I mean come on, maybe just help her a bit? >__>

  2. Lol, AzNoGaMer, I help her A LOT. I helped her with quests and stuff and I always check prices for her so she won’t get ripped off -_-. And Desi, she’s 14 lol. Older than me by 2 years.

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