`kay, so when I bring my laptop to class, and out of complete boredom, I like to read forum posts on Basil. So the other day I came across someone’s uneducated petty argument against “maple love/relationship”. The posts consist of how pathetic/ridiculous it is to have a bf/gf on Maple and how love on a game is unheard of or absurd.
Let’s get something straight, there’s a damn difference between pretending to find love or to be in love vs. actually being in love. Though the two are entirely different, people often have the misconception that they are the same.
I can agree with most that fake Maple love is pretty pathetic and/or ridiculous, etc. Whatever else you can pull out of you ass. All smegas regarding, “L> for hot gf/bf with NX!” are preposterous. No one can possibly determine whether a person is “teh smexyness” based off in game pixels. Clearly they are gold diggers or interested in the benefits of APQ. Then you have the other “couples” who spout about how much they “luff” each other.
Let me explain my personal experience.
*blinks* So… how can you even remotely believe that is a relationship if you don’t know your significant other’s real name…? If this isn’t the most ridiculous “maple relationship” I don’t want to know what is…
[Yes, this did happen and neither my boyfriend or me called her “boyfriend” stupid, she assumed that because we were questioning her about why he didn’t know her real name. -.-]
On the other hand, there have been people who have had love find them. Someone from Basil forum saying something about eHarmony.com being a place to find love over the internet. Maple isn’t any different aside from the fact that it is a game. Let me explain before anyone says, “Yea, but you meet the people for eHarmony.” Uhh… who’s to say that two Maplers can’t meet in real life? Love is intangible. It’s an emotion. So pointing out that people can’t be in love with someone because their relationship doesn’t consist of physical or visual contact is contradicting love all together. Sexual desires isn’t love, it’s lust. A common remark made – “Well you can’t be a normal couple if you don’t touch.” When you are in love, you don’t give a damn about being a normal couple, all you care about is being with your significant other to love you back.
Calling someone your boyfriend or girlfriend doesn’t mean that you’re dating him/her. It means that while you’re with that person, you wouldn’t want to be with or see anyone else.
The people who have actual MapleStory bf/gf [not real life] make the people who have fallen in love on Maple look bad. My boyfriend and I met on Maple, I’ve been with him for eight months and I love him. People ridicule us because they believe we’re Maple lovers. Supposedly love can’t be found on a game, despite the fact that love can exist anywhere because love is intangible.
To those Basil posts that argue/complain about Maple relationships and to those who are still bothered by the entire love/relationship idea, why do you really even care about what others are doing with their love lives? Enough to address it in forum posts? Does it really affect you as a person that much? It wasn’t that big of a deal until the crush rings came out on Maple. Nexon/Wizet initiated the epiphany of the Maple gf/bfs. Take it up with Nexon if you seriously think so strongly against it.
It’s like when the weddings first came out, the wedding announcements were constant/annoying and you’d ask yourself, “Why do I care?!”. The same applies to Maple relationships. You’re annoyed at first, but eventually you’ll learn to ignore it.
*Names have been changed to ensure my maple protection/safety.
Yea, some of that stuff is just ridiculous, I’ve learned to ignore it, today my good friend on Maple, I don’t know him IRL, but we are still good friends, he said that his Maple GF confessed that she didnt even like him anymore and was just using him, so my friend dumped her and he now agrees maple relationships are dumb, I have gotten used to ignoring this kinda stuff, I hate all that spam on basil,
I agree, I really wish people would realize how much of a deal they’re making it out to be. I hate seeing all those posts on Basil about other people’s lives or decisions argued about. We’re all entitled to our opinions of course, but it’s to an extent to where we should know when to just keep it to ourselves. Especially when it comes to what other people choose to do.
Please clean up your language
Only “Damn” and “Ass” are allowed
anyhting else is just too explicit
Please respect the rule and welcome to MMOTales =)
Also i’d like to throw out my opinion
there’s no doubt people can love over maple
like you said it’s intangible
so i don’t see how distance really has an effect
Regardless, MS is a role playing game
role play
have fun
do your thing
I think people take it too seriously
the fact that it makes people who have found love over maple shouldn’t really matter
most of the people who play this game are teens or younger
They don’t know the true importance of a relationship nor do they care
teens rarely fall in love when they are young so it really shouldn’t matter if they date on the computer or not
so what if they think they are in love
what teen doesn’t?
the fact that they do it over maple is irrelevant
General gist: it’s not marriage or some binding legal agreement
it’s fun
it’s role playing
and it’s not to be taken seriously
Only “Damn” and “Ass” are allowed
anyhting else is just too explicit
Please respect the rule and welcome to MMOTales =)
Also i’d like to throw out my opinion
there’s no doubt people can love over maple
like you said it’s intangible
so i don’t see how distance really has an effect
Regardless, MS is a role playing game
role play
have fun
do your thing
I think people take it too seriously
the fact that it makes people who have found love over maple shouldn’t really matter
most of the people who play this game are teens or younger
They don’t know the true importance of a relationship nor do they care
teens rarely fall in love when they are young so it really shouldn’t matter if they date on the computer or not
so what if they think they are in love
what teen doesn’t?
the fact that they do it over maple is irrelevant
General gist: it’s not marriage or some binding legal agreement
it’s fun
it’s role playing
and it’s not to be taken seriously”
Like you so well pointed out, I am new to MMOTales. And as signed up for MMOTales, I read that the rules that only consisted 3 things, and when the e-mail of validation was sent, the same rules were noted. And I had contemplated as to whether I could curse or not. So I searched around for a link pertaining to posting rules. I didn’t any link, so I was unaware that my language too explicit for MMOTales.
Umm, I can’t determine whether you’re agreeing or disagreeing. Or if possibly you misunderstood my post. At one point your comment seemed to have come off as offensive, Elaborate, if you will.
Only “Damn” and “Ass” are allowed
anyhting else is just too explicit
Please respect the rule and welcome to MMOTales =)
Also i’d like to throw out my opinion
there’s no doubt people can love over maple
like you said it’s intangible
so i don’t see how distance really has an effect
Regardless, MS is a role playing game
role play
have fun
do your thing
I think people take it too seriously
the fact that it makes people who have found love over maple shouldn’t really matter
most of the people who play this game are teens or younger
They don’t know the true importance of a relationship nor do they care
teens rarely fall in love when they are young so it really shouldn’t matter if they date on the computer or not
so what if they think they are in love
what teen doesn’t?
the fact that they do it over maple is irrelevant
General gist: it’s not marriage or some binding legal agreement
it’s fun
it’s role playing
and it’s not to be taken seriously”
Like you so well pointed out, I am new to MMOTales. And as signed up for MMOTales, I read that the rules that only consisted 3 things, and when the e-mail of validation was sent, the same rules were noted. And I had contemplated as to whether I could curse or not. So I searched around for a link pertaining to posting rules. I didn’t any link, so I was unaware that my language too explicit for MMOTales.
Umm, I can’t determine whether you’re agreeing or disagreeing. Or if possibly you misunderstood my post. At one point your comment seemed to have come off as offensive, Elaborate, if you will.”
I was aware it may i wanted to see if you would understand first, this is my fault
i write rather unclearly
i’m on your side and i understand what you say but at the same time i think it’s not to be taken seriously enough to make any fuss about
You can find love over maple: I agree with you
Stupid people make MS love look bad: I disagree
people should “date” over MS: i disagree
i’m generally siding with you but i don’t agree with everything
i have mix feelings, pretty much
And the cursing thing is more of a De Facto thing
it’s just a general rule we all obey to keep the image of the site family friendly (with a few dirty jokes here and there)
if you see any hard-headed people don’t follow their example and don’t feel like you can’t let your hair down occasionally
I totally agree.
We’re mature[mostly] and we can accept vulgarities and not go ‘OMG MUMMY THEY SPOKE BAD WORDS! WAAAHHHH! *wails*’, but we just follow the unwritten rulez ‘cos its written by a very old person. =/
Ooh wow, hai thar! ^^ Literate person! *shakes your hand forcefully*
I agree wholeheartedly with you, e-love can come off as dumb, or impractical, but being in a happy e-relationship as I am, I actually quite like it. It’s. . . interesting. XDD *coughyouknowwhoyouarecough* =))
eLove isn’t exactly. . .
Let’s just say I think it’s the worst thing that humankind has ever invented. Besides those dammed Pringles cans that you get your hands stuck in.
OMG. Pringles are EVIL. EVIL EVIL EVIL! And they always taste stale. . .
*runs away with Pringles cans that have been stucked to hands for 218978 years* >.O
Whoa. . .
That’s pretty old.
I’d love to write a nice long comprehensive comment on my stand on this issue, but I’ve ran out of ideas. I don’t honestly know what to think about Maple relationships anymore, but that’s sweet, that you found love over Maplestory. Congratulations.
And welcome to MMOtales. XD Don’t mind Waffle, he’s our resident sometimes-grump, but he’s a really nice guy.
He just needs a female waffle to keep him company. XD
To ShiningWings: *lol* Hi to you too
*shakes hand back* 
To xXyZaThEx: Umm, sorry. I’m getting kind of confused with your comment, e-love is the worst thing invented? Umm, what is? ._.” And I agree the comment made about Pringles, never been too much of a fan.
To SilverFx: Thanks to both the congrats and welcome. And it’s okay, I probably misunderstood Waffle anyway.