The Fat Snowman Guide

How to summon fat snowman: You must get 50k snows from any kind of monsters, and give it to one of the NPCs in happyville.
To kill fat snowman: Break a box in happyville. You will get gloves, which enables you to go into the frozen zone. Fat Snowman spawns there when u get 50k snows.
Fat Snowman drops: Snowbals, presents, scrolls, some random etc items, some random stars, (well at least it drops subies) ( a snowman kild in windia dropped it)

I wrote this just for the sake of having another blog. lol. this guide is real crappy tho it mightve helped some ppl.

7 thoughts on “The Fat Snowman Guide”

  1. Lol, fat snowman.
    So that’s what the nevermelting snow’s for. I gave 11 to Khaini’s
    And then I took off my gloves and suicided, just for fun

  2. The presents dropped by it are. .


    Purple present : 15 steel ores.
    Red present: 15 amethyst ores.
    Blue present: 10 blue potions.


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