I wrote a story about ms.

Copy this and u are so dead.
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The Unnamed Story

Chapter 1: (took out chapter due to popular request)
A lone figure searched a Leafre market. He had found what he was looking for. An old merchant stood in front of a cloaked stranger. He asked, “How may I help you?” The stranger replied, “Give me your best birds.” The merchant said, “That will be 1,000,000.” The stranger answered by slashing his sword. He took the stranger’s phoenixes.

Chapter 2: (took out chapter due to popular request)
20 wyverns flew over the forest of Ellinia. A teen named Seort was hit by flames as the wyverns set fire to Ellinia. On top of the wyverns stood members of the guild Vengeance. Seort swore, drew his sword, and slammed a wyvern so hard that it flew back and hit the potion store, breaking the glass. The attack had just made the wyverns even fiercer. Ice phoenixes joined the raid, and they bombarded Ellinia with flames and icicles. It was a death playground, but the attack was finally over.

yay! part 3 & 4!
Chapter 3 AND 4. Name taken out due to popular request.

Alcahyn, Seort, Claire (MissFreeze if u want maple name), and Tailes were standing in a dimly lit room. They were discussing the attack on Ellinia. “As one?” Seort asked. “As one.” replied Alcahyn.

Alcahyn sighed. “Where the hel1 is Felix….”
“Ask Julie. She is his gf. She should know.” Tailes replied.

Julie was reading a book when Alcahyn entered her house in Aqua Road. Alcahyn asked, “Do you know where Felix is? We haven’t seen him for days.” Julie gasps, “I thought he was with you! I’ll go look for him.”

It was near nighttime when Julie found Felix. He was at the Cold Field of Leafre, talking to a VG member named Eyal. Julie was shocked. She said, “After all these years I trusted you Felix!” Eyal turned around and smiled. He drew his Angelic Betrayal and advanced. “NO!” Felix shouted and stepped in front of Eyal. Eyal sneered and slashed Felix, but Felix blasted him back with a cold beam. Eyal swore and charged, and Felix wasn’t prepared for such ferocity. Eyal’s dagger slipped through and cut him. Julie screamed. Eyal once again stepped toward her to kill her, but Alcahyn’s Dragon Kanzir flashed through the sky, and assaulter cut Eyal in half. Unfortunately, other VG members had seen the fight.

will add more parts later, but plz share comments and pm me if u want to be in the story. seort does not kno i put him in a story btw. =P

11 thoughts on “I wrote a story about ms.”

  1. y it say u has 0 blgzz?

    Rules, be Literate
    No flaming
    Common sense is must <33
    Btw seort as in the 14x sader in Windia? Lol I know im from WAY back in the guild Snow <3

  2. Welcome to MMOTales. Literacy
    I don’t think you need to give each paragraph a chaper, do you?

  3. chapter 7 has 2 whole pages, i wrote it on paper and nao im typin it
    chapter 7: Orbis under attk >

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