Hey everyone, it’s me again, that same silly inexperienced writer that posted lame stories. Unfortunately I have no SSs to support some of my questions and what not, but I can tell anyone of you it’s all happened. I’ve been playing MapleStory for 2 years now, and without a doubt it was a great deal of fun until recently (Thinking the past 3-4 months or so)
So, here we go.
My name is SpawnXSin, I play Global Maplestory in the Broa server, and I’m a lvl 83 Hermit. (Refer to SS for my look, yes, a glowing whip =P, even though they aren’t as rare they still pwn.)
Anyways, I’ve had my fair share of drama, but I also had a lot of great times in MS. I originally played a cleric, Bloo0dline3 until my friend Goth inspired me to start a hermit. SpawnXSin started around June of 2006, was inactive for about 6 months during school, and started up again at lvl 51. That’s where it all started.
I had previously been playing with some real life friends in windia, and had a little nx left, so I used it in broa instead. What did I spend it on? A Super Megaphone of course. What did i say? L>GF. Which is where I met SheepGIRL, whose original plan was to get a bunch of boyfriends like her friend Vietsweetiee. So SheepGirl got with me, and I wasn’t expecting anything at first, but I do remember she always harassed me for being blue. Anyways, she took me seriously, and for those of you who know me, I took her seriously as well. I hadn’t even known who she was, but she was a hacker, which I am certainly not a big fan of. This leads me to her friends, all the scum of the maple society in my eyes. I’d never met so many immature people in my life. Okay, that’s where my problems with MS start.
So after 2 months, we got married, and that marriage lasted a month long, which was the point where she divorced me. Let me say, marriage in ms was the dumbest thing I ever paid for. Well, she married me again after a week or so, and out of anger I said, hey, let me waste her money as well. So I did. Marriage, two days later, divorced. Then what happens? She gets banned. -Laughs- I still loved her though, so I waited. We got back together and I hadn’t realized she was in love with this guy DragonSkiil. So stupid me, I found out and got really angry. Which led to 2 months of pure fighting almost everyday. Couldn’t train, couldn’t have friends, couldn’t do anything. Which leads me to believe these stupid MS relationships are not worth it.
Okay, forget MS relationships, lets discuss general annoyances. If you refer to the SS, you’ll see I am blue. I’ve been blue for my whole career on SpawnXSin. Since lvl 27 (It only took me like 3 days to reach that so I consider it my career start) Even though so many people are turning blue nowadays, I still find myself dealing with random people yelling at me or mocking me due to my skin. That’s plain stupid. So I deal with it. It isn’t emo, it’s a skin color. I am by no means emo.
Another thing: Drama
Drama is by far the most ridiculous thing you can ever deal with in various online games people play nowadays. Everywhere I go lately, which is primarily Henesys, MM, Ludi, or NLC, I seem to find one or two people arguing over something insanely insignificant. Or people fighting because of relationships. Well that’s just lame. Oh and, those of you who think you know everything about everyone can bug off, because you don’t and you should stay out of it.
One more thing: Guys/Girls
What’s the deal with Guys in MS nowadays? They all think they’re tough or better than you because they are a higher level. They act all mature and like they could beat your ass. They compare MS to real life and threaten to find you wherever you live. I find that to be extremely dumb. As for girls, seems that most of them are up to something. Being little sluts, or using guys left and right, which is a big immature. They can’t do it in real life so they do it over a game, not realizing that maybe they are hurting the guy they use.
Okay, enough said
Sure, a lot of you will see this thread as pointless, but compared to last summer when I played, None of this, and I mean NONE happened. Besides the blue skin racism of course, which I don’t mind. I’m just looking for opinions. Be honest, please guys. And try not bashing me, if you don’t like this post, then don’t bother commenting.
Hmm. For some reason the SS of my char doesn’t show. Oh well.
I would have liked the blog, but hey, I see your own IGN there up at the like bar.
No multi-ing please.
That aside, it was a pretty good blog. I hate drama too. :/ Makes me want to smack the heads of the people involved, ‘cept they don’t have that function yet in Maple.
Oh, and about the s*** comment about girls; keep it clean, this is supposed to be a family friendly site.
(‘Sides, how d’ya know they aren’t just guys playing as girls and hoping to get something out of it? XD)
[edit] And welcome to MMOtales, because I don’t recall seeing you around. ^^ This isn’t Basil, so I think you don’t really need to worry about pointless phlames.
No multi-ing please.
That aside, it was a pretty good blog. I hate drama too. :/ Makes me want to smack the heads of the people involved, ‘cept they don’t have that function yet in Maple.
Oh, and about the s*** comment about girls; keep it clean, this is supposed to be a family friendly site.
(‘Sides, how d’ya know they aren’t just guys playing as girls and hoping to get something out of it? XD)
[edit] And welcome to MMOtales, because I don’t recall seeing you around. ^^ This isn’t Basil, so I think you don’t really need to worry about pointless phlames.
What she said.
No multi-ing please.
That aside, it was a pretty good blog. I hate drama too. :/ Makes me want to smack the heads of the people involved, ‘cept they don’t have that function yet in Maple.
Oh, and about the s*** comment about girls; keep it clean, this is supposed to be a family friendly site.
(‘Sides, how d’ya know they aren’t just guys playing as girls and hoping to get something out of it? XD)
[edit] And welcome to MMOtales, because I don’t recall seeing you around. ^^ This isn’t Basil, so I think you don’t really need to worry about pointless phlames.
What she said.”
What they said.
./Didn’t exactly notice the IGN
I don’t like people who create accounts to like.
./Tries to scrub like off
No multi-ing please.
That aside, it was a pretty good blog. I hate drama too. :/ Makes me want to smack the heads of the people involved, ‘cept they don’t have that function yet in Maple.
Oh, and about the s*** comment about girls; keep it clean, this is supposed to be a family friendly site.
(‘Sides, how d’ya know they aren’t just guys playing as girls and hoping to get something out of it? XD)
[edit] And welcome to MMOtales, because I don’t recall seeing you around. ^^ This isn’t Basil, so I think you don’t really need to worry about pointless phlames.
What she said.”
What they said.
./Didn’t exactly notice the IGN
I don’t like people who create accounts to like.
./Tries to scrub like off”
i agree with all of them mostly. . .and not all maple girls are sluts -_____- maybe its YOU because you obviously cant find the “good” girls -__-
Haha, you’ll get over it. And yes, I said all, mistakenly. I already did find a good girl, IRL. Thanks.
OY! Don’t use alt accounts to like your own blogs >:[ That’s just like uhh I won’t say it.
I used to know SheepGirl. We met on her Sin, but she ended up quitting it and going onto her Mage which didn’t have any room left, so yah. Screw her.
Kinda ironic she harassed you for being blue when’s she’s an ugly blue bich herself. >.>
Rofl. . .
Anyways err. . .
NONONO Bad person about the alt acc likey thingy. . .
Blue LOL
One of my guild leaders was blue. . .
He had a Blue wedding wich his bride was blue and they both were using the Default f4 Facee. . .
Througout the entire wedding. .
I used to be blue through about 20 or so lv’s,i got called goth,emo,ect,I do love blue alot but i missed my original skin.
So i had changed back and all,but yeah the blue skin thing,i’ve had all the names too.
Calls himself a poser and liked it ?