9 thoughts on “what boredom can do”

  1. 1) put down the vodka
    2) stop speakin` crap
    3) stay off the crack and stop puffing the magic dragon
    4) sign up for going on the dr phil show

  2. This is true! Search it up xD

    Mansa Musa was an important Malian king from 1312 to 1337 expanding the Mali influence over the Niger city-states of Timbuktu, Gao, and Djenne. Mansa Musa (Mansa meaning emperor or sultan and Musa meaning Moses), the grandson of one of Sundiata’s sisters, is often referred to as “The Black Moses” (Jeffries & Moss 1997). Timbuktu became one of the major cultural centers not just of Africa but of the world. Vast libraries, madrasas (Islamic universities) and magnificent mosques were built. Timbuktu became a meeting place of poets, scholars and artists of Africa and the Middle East. Even after Mali declined, Timbuktu remained the major Islamic center of sub-Saharan Africa (Hooker 1996). Mansa Musa maintained a huge army that kept peace and policed the trade routes. His armies pushed the borders of Mali from the Atlantic coast in the west beyond the cities of Timbuktu and Gao in the east — and from the salt mines of Taghaza in the north to the gold mines of Wangar in the south (Jeffries & Moss 1997).

  3. . . .thanks for teaching us history of this person . . . but. . . does it have anything to do with ms?
    ~Just wondering~

    – VanillaPocki –

  4. Am I the only one who thinks this is funny? And clearly the only one who is actually commenting on this picture? Oh well, I laughed a little in my mind.

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