My semi godly Kage xD

Wooo! I finally got my kage.. well actually this happened like last week lol.. I just din’t have the time to blog about it coz i was too busy party leveling with my guild mates at aqua dungeon. I think it was a thursday or friday.. I was walking around in the fm looking for uber items for my new lit mage..

Manage to snag a 6INT Brown Moonlight o.o, and also a 6INT White Calaf .. all for under 4m. These items are i think OVER perfect coz this must have been dropped from the gachapon machine that we have in MSEA. So was walking and walking.. i can’t believe i rendezvous all the way to room 8! o.O i think i still wanted to look for a good fairy wand or something like that.. so went another round with the rooms.. Reached room 6 and some fella just happened to open his shop.. and WHOOOT~ Kage.. selling for 91m.. but the base is 2 below avg tho.. MA is only 98. But who cares.. BOUGHT IT!

Went another round looking for my staff atk scrolls so that makes 3 1/2 rounds in the fm jumping from room to room. I had like 3 60% staff before that in my inv and 3 10% staff.. so just had to look for another 3 60%.. Saw someone selling around 20pcs of it at an outrages price – 3.3m =.=” i din’t bother, just bought 3 from her lol…

Placed the kage, the scrolls into my storage and logged into my priest (Crestfallenz).. went to ch8 my lucky channel hahahah.. sorry but im really superstitious. As usual either my first or last slot, i will try a 10% on it.. I picked the first slot for 10%.. dint work NEXT….. 60% scrolls.. left only 6 slots.. to my AMAZEMENT.. all friggin 6 scrolls worked! omigosh omigosh.. haha!

So now its like 110MA, 6INT totaling to a 116MA So blardy happy hahhaha.. Well i think i’ve rambled way too much.. Cheers and thanks for listening..

7 thoughts on “My semi godly Kage xD”

  1. Aniaro said: “who is that fredrick guy? o.O”

    Seriously, we all have no idea what that npc does, LOL!

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