Take 6 minutes at the MOST to read this story.
I recently heard from one of my pals that
a friend was planning to scam me. My pal
also told me that he was working with some
other guys (about 4 guys in total) to scam
me of my items and money. I took this seriously,
and I devised a plan:
The Traitor ex-friend trades me one day, and
decides to use the alt-tab-space trick. (In case
you don’t know what that is, it’s where the
host tells you to press alt-tab-space-enter very
fast and the item you have in the trade box
will duplicate, but it’s just a shortcut for the
“trade” button.)
Knowing that scheme, I put down one of my
Kumbis. (Don’t worry, I have Steelys and Tobis,
my Kumbis are useless.) He tell me to do
Alt-Tab-Space-Enter, and so I do it. He trades
too and he now has possession of my Kumbi.
<><><><><><> NOW. LISTEN UP. <><><><>
He changes to channel 14, since we were on 13,
and I assumed he would go to the next one.
I log off quickly and go on my Cleric, enter channel
14, and track him down as fast as possible.
My plan was going well.
He does not notice me tailing him with my Cleric seeing
he does not know about this character. He
enters Niora Hospital in Channel 19, and I see
3 other guys here.
At the risk of being caught doing suspicious,
I quickly sit down in a chair and set up a
match card set saying, “AFK, Be back in
3 hours.”
What they don’t know was that I was observing
them. They seem to have bought the bait, because
they were suddenly telilng my ex-friend a good
job for nabbing the kumbis, and they swap 250 k
for the kumbi he stole from me.
They discuss further plans to scam some of their
other friends, and they repeated the IGNs aloud,
and as they discussed their plans, I secretly whispered
to the “would-be-victims” about the scammers’ plans.
<><><><> NOW THE HARD PART. <><><><>
I would have get them expelled from MapleStory somehow,
but realized I could only report 1 person per day. So,
knowing this, I contacted 7 of my friends to report these
scammers. After they were reported, 1 person was
temporarily banned. The other 3 seem safe, but my friends
and I plan to keep reporting them until Justice is served.
In the end, the people who I warned to take action thanked
me, some didn’t believe me, and some flamed at me.
All I know is that those 4 aren’t going to be doing anything
public for a while.
Scammers will lose in the end.
Remember that.
I thought that this was a poem, so I didn’t read it, until know.