Anyways, really sorry Impaala, u just didnt give me your gender so i had to guess. Anyways…
If you haven’t read the Introduction of this story, go read it.
By the way, the numbers at the end of everyones information, there is a number of how many times he or she has talked. Everyone has talked at least once, so I hope more people will like it.
Mr.Lumpy lvl 36 Mage (Ice Mage) 4
Kizatachi lvl 56 Thief (Bandit) 2
Imppala lvl 46 Thief (Sin) 3
Tidal Snov lvl 17 Beginner 2
Leaves Home lvl 18 Swordsman 2
Fenrir lvl 25 Archer (sniper to be) 2
cokefannie lvl 27 Archer (Hunter to be) 3
Bling level 45 Mage (Cleric) 2
Nez lvl 56 Thief (Bandit) 2
Mizura lvl 58 Mage (Ice Mage) 3
Sorry If you only said 2 things
Ill remember you people, and give you more lines for the story.
After Imppala went to The Lord’s place, he said: “The Dark Lord says it is perfect.”
“Good Job!” said Kizatachi.
“You know what, guys?” said Mizura.
“What?” asked Leaveshome.
“I think we should have some fun. Mizura said, smiling sweetly.
How can we? asked Mr. Lumpy.
.. said Mizura, pausing.
Any ideas, anyone? interrupted Cokefannie.
I know, we can go to a humongous place with lots of monsters, and we can all start fighting!! said Fenrir.
That is a good idea, said Nez, and I agree.
But we wont get much experience if all of us train together. I mean, it is a good idea, but if we want more experience, we can go to somewhere deep in El Nath, but what about the ones who cannot fight them? asked Bling.
You know what? Ive always liked Blings deep understanding of everything, said CokeFannie.
Then Tidal Snov smiled. So, shall we go into groups?
Yes, we should. Said CokeFannie.
We should have another cleric, said Kizatachi.
That way we could have 2 groups that didnt die!
I agree with you, Kizatachi, said Tidal Snov, but now we have one problem. Each group could have 1 high leveled person, how can they train? And, If the cleric goes with the lower leveled people, and then all the high levels go together, then what shall we do then? The cleric wont get much experience. Then what about all the low levels go together, and the high levels go together? After all, Ill protect everyone! asked LeavesHome.
That might be good, said Fenrir. Let us give it a try. I dont see what more we could fight about, so let us go! and then everyone put themselves into groups.
The Groups:
Group 1
TidalSnov, LeavesHome, Fenrir, and Cokefannie
Group 2
My.Lumpy, Imppala, and Bling
Group 3 Kizatachi, Nez, and Mizura
And off they went.
Group 2~~
Bling, heal us!! Impaala yelled. They were fighting a block golem, and apparently, there were too many, so they were suffering a lot.
Then Bling automatically started healing.
Then the golem was dead.
Woot! said Mr. Lumpy.
Why dont we go to Omega Sector? said Bling.
Sure, replied Imppala.
Walk walk walk
Then Imppala put on haste, and soon they were at first floor.
Off to Alien World, muttered Bling.
Mr.Lumpy laughed. Then, killing a rat, he said: It is good being a mage. Then, looking at Imppala, he said Everyone is good, too.
Please re-read your story. For the sake of this website.
i mean Huh,
She means re-write your story format. And I agree. It’s a killer on the eyes.
There. I did it. Better for the eyes?
Too many spaces now. Don’t do this: “And then I
Went and destroyed them all,” said
Somebody. You’re severing the sentences right in the middle.
sorry sorry, i realised it was wrong, and JUST NOW i edited it
Oh my god, it is not a killer on the eyes!
uuh, you didnt put me in!
its actually ok,i was going to tell you to not put me in the story
Yayz. There we go, cokefannie. xD
Thnxs for helpin me out, Ezyan
Mizura getting a bit angry: Wow, its pretty good. I wonder what It would have been like before she edited it, lol
Sorry for telling you on this site, cokefannie, but ur supposed to be at my house RIGHT NOW!
Mizura getting angrier: YOU FORGOT!
Mizura totally angry: COME!
pretty awesome xD
and another thing
i never have that kind of deep thinking
Never suggest being an assasin isnt good *devil glint*