OK this is what happened.
Well i was in Elnath hunting field today owning yetis, hectors, pepi and so on
however, because i was on CH.3, there was too much people each KSing on each other.
I noticed how stupid i would get if i kept on hunting at this ch so i changed it to CH.13 and YES it was empty! accept one weirdo on the cliff not moving at all…
(Well make a guess on what he was doing on the unpopulated channel lol ) I still regret my choice about this matter. Of course i took the screen shot and alerted Gm on that unmanner DK… But then i got this weird feeling of exitement and thought KSing on him wouldn;t do any harm. and that’s when… about 40min later, i got a message informing me being banned cause i was using illegal problem and/or third limit party something bla bla bla.. i mean wth! i wasn’t the one using hack ! as soon as i got this notice i directly went to the website and made a complaint to the GM by sending mails. and 10mins later this is the response “We GMs of the global maple story do not Tolerate the behavior of using illegal problem other by the name of “hacks” and third limit party. and other something something nonsense!” i’ll kill GM if he didn;t ban That Them DK BUll****.. Right now im really pissed off at gm for banning me. now i gotta wait for a month to play on my sin again GODDAMMIT
I can’t believe Gms even ignoring my Email sending me a nonsense response to me. CRAP.
If any of you could suggest me a way of convincing Gm PLZ PUT IT ON THE COMMENT
from what i’ve heard from my friends in GMS,gms have been pretty much ignoring the emails ppl have been sending them.SEA also the same thing i suppose.i rmb i sent a gm a letter complaining about a patch & they didnt reply me back at all.odd.they cant be THAT busy & all can’t they ?
I did a nice professional letter thing for a friend that got suspended and sent it to the Admin at MapleSEA via the Q-box.
I got a reply that helped.
So yeah. Write a real professional letter. Start with ‘Good evening sir/madam, I would like to inquire about. . . ‘ etc. I like to think it helps.
[edit] But in your case, it’s not going to help much. You did break the rules by taking advantage of a third party programme, even if you weren’t the one that ran the programme and that you were actually doing some vigilante work. *shrug*
That’s smart. Stay in the channel t hat’s being hacked.
I ks vacced hackers alll the time. (SINCE THEY LOVE ICE DRAKES)
Im screwed aint i?
The thing is, Nexon/Wizet consider you to be “third-party hacking” if you kill the spawn that the hacker is using, or get plvled by a hacker, or train with a hacker. And they will ban you too if you’re caught.
Lol. I just got banned KSing + looting a hacker as well. O__o
Oh well, at least I looted a 24 Attack Kandayo LOL!
You were banned because you were KSing a vaccer. That is the same as hacking. People do it all the time. They make a noob char and vac on it and then on a different char they ks the vac. They have reason to believe you were doing that. *shrugs* I just ignore hackers and CC.
Lmao! They never mention third-party-hacking.
All they say is.
You have been banned from maplestory because of the use of hacking tools or third-party TOOLS.
By third-party they mean things such as AC or Auto loot.
Trust me. Ex-hacker. So what if I was a hacker? What are you gonna do? Report me? I find it funny why there even is a report function. GMs don’t work fridays and saturdays so that’s when most hackers come. And the reports made during that time doesn’t reach the GMs.
Those Gms need to get off their coffee breaks.
dannytorres: You might wanna edit your comments instead of spamming like that. See that little cross at the right hand side of your comments? Click it, and select edit.
I did a nice professional letter thing for a friend that got suspended and sent it to the Admin at MapleSEA via the Q-box.
I got a reply that helped.
So yeah. Write a real professional letter. Start with ‘Good evening sir/madam, I would like to inquire about. . . ‘ etc. I like to think it helps.
[edit] But in your case, it’s not going to help much. You did break the rules by taking advantage of a third party programme, even if you weren’t the one that ran the programme and that you were actually doing some vigilante work. *shrug*”
Absolutely right. I’d ignore a letter too if it wasn’t written with respect.
i ksed hackers to level up. i dont see why the GM’s got their panties in a bunch over that. u’d have to be at ur comp the whole time to kill the monsters he vacks and to keep from getting killed urself.
o and if u r gona ks a hacker DONT REPORT HIM until you are finished playing and THEN ks the douche bag.
ya the gm’s are’t being very professional. its like the Translink bus company in Vancouver where i live XD
don’t report hackers. either it’s a hit and run, or a wait, report, then run. some gms tend to be, bleck.
I did a nice professional letter thing for a friend that got suspended and sent it to the Admin at MapleSEA via the Q-box.
I got a reply that helped.
So yeah. Write a real professional letter. Start with ‘Good evening sir/madam, I would like to inquire about. . . ‘ etc. I like to think it helps.
[edit] But in your case, it’s not going to help much. You did break the rules by taking advantage of a third party programme, even if you weren’t the one that ran the programme and that you were actually doing some vigilante work. *shrug*”
Absolutely right. I’d ignore a letter too if it wasn’t written with respect.”
Aye, that’s why I never get responses. I usually write letters with “surfer-dude” and “stoner” lingo.
A hacker was hacking on a map vaccing monsters using a hack to do this. You were there killing these monsters that were being vacced by a hack. You were taking advantage of a hack = you being banned. Don’t complain, you might as well be the hacker. You were using a third party porgram to level up faster, even if it wasn’t on your computer.