Whereapons the noobie has levelled! Etc!

Greetings and other such salutations!
I am Cinnamon.. or as most of my friends know me in game, Broo.
I play in the happy land of Broa, where stuff happens on a daily basis!
In most cases that is.
Well, anyways.
I just leveled my perma-noobie main to 47! (see picture one)

Anyhow. Story time!

-Guild PQy story: In which the protagonist dies many times, and encounters the legendary POOP PIE!-

Last week the guildy peoples and the mule of one aforementioned character Broo decided to go on a sweetly awesome trip to –
Yes, you heard right. Guild PQ place.
Even the sight of this place has inspired various twitchings and shudderings in the bodies of hapless travelers who have stumbled upon it – no matter how innocent the stumbling was.
Now, in case any of the children/onlookers/readers/penguins are wondering, this mule of Broo happened to be a level 15 magician classed smartaleck called “ImAGoatFace”.
Imagine that.
A magician with such a name.
But yes, that indeed was her name. A name that also matched the incredulous look on her face when she realized that two members of the guild were, in fact, CLONES!
*cue picture twosy*
In any case, the PQ went quite terribly, and culminated with yon Goatfacey being killed multiple times by the weird purple slimes in the under level 30 portal.

And then we ran out of time. Heheheeee. 😉

After that fun and interesting fiasco, our hero quickly switched characters and hurried to the gPQ place once again.
After many mysterious and vague things happened, one of those black ghosty things got jealous of Broo and killed her ’cause she was getting too close to his poop pie.
..I really didn’t want it! It was GROSS MAN.
…*glares at ghosty*
Oh yeah, and that’s your cue to look at ze third picture! ;D

-/End storytelling-

So yup! That was a lot of fun.
I’m glad I don’t lose any exp. when I die though. *patpats classed peoples*
It would be puuurty hard to level after dying half a gabillion times! ;D

And I’m out now!

15 thoughts on “Whereapons the noobie has levelled! Etc!”

  1. Welcome to MMOTales~
    It’s a pleasure to meet you.
    I sense you will become a great mmotaler one day.

    I’m sure Anni will come with her uber welcome spam in any second >.>

  2. WHAT THE?

    NOWAII !


    How could you alert her of thy arrival?

    On a side note, everyone does that .


  3. NO WAY!

    *Shakes head*

    Purely because you KNOW I am online in MMOT .

    And because you know I welcome everyone unless someone does it for me .

  4. I WIN!
    that was random
    ok w/e to get back to the hi, welcome to mmotales, blah, blah, blah, oranges, apples, anni, insane, quangie,,
    *3 hours later*
    , and now we are done!

    ~Guy of Die

  5. xxcleric87 said: “
    quangie,, , and now we are done!

    ~Guy of Die”


  6. *Inspires everyone of the opposite gender to say the name .*

    SAY IT, PEOPLE <33

    If Quangiiee kills you, I’ll exterminate him .

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