In which Claudia is an evil woman.

[i] Thwack-thwack

Grunt-groan [/i]

*boar dies*

[i] Swish-swish


Snort-snort [/i]

*boar dies*


*picks up monies*

I hung on a rope and did some tricksy mental math. If every pig I killed gave me .01%, then. . .there! One percent per 100 boars!


Needless to say, training suddenly seemed blatantly unappetizing.


Anyways. I have tons of stuff to blog about from the past few weeks. SO! Rundown:

Rundown 1: I met Piat! He’s coolawesomeocular. <3
He stalked me at fiery boars, and we talked awhile ‘midst random disconnects on his part.
It was a lot of fun, and meeting him made my week. ;D
And I still think his router needs to be thrown against the wall. Restraining order or no. *patpats*

Rundown 2: I started a (few) character(s) on Mardia so I could play with Fuzzoo, who had grown tired of hardcore training!
However, after being deterred multiple times by grotesque hairstyles brought about by Claudia’s Amoria hair questy thing, I gave up. Which brought me to:

Rundown 3: I suddenly realized. Instead of training ’til whatever level, running to Vic, collecting a bunch of squishy liquids, going to Amoria, finishing the quest (getting a terrible hairstyle and henceforth despising my character, mind you) – I could scratch half of that time by perfecting one HAIRSTYLE-EEZE method:

FIRST: one must stock one’s storage with many squishy liquids. Like 200. Or more!

SECONDLY: Y’know that Roger guy who dwells in the second map of maple island? If you eat his freakin’ apple and talk to him again, he gives you 3 red pots, and 3 blue ones.

So here’s the dealio: You get your character name, stats, and blah-hoobley, and then race to Roger, who gives you your potion junk for eating his apple (which is most likely poisoned).
After getting your potion junk, you race to the nearest map, where you happily kill yourself with whatever snail/monster is nearby.

THEN: You respawn in SouthPerry, where you sell your 3 red and 3 blue pots for a total of 375 mesos.

WHICH: Gives you enough money to go to that Shanksey guy, who takes you to Lith Harbor for a cheapo 150 mesos.

AFTER WHICH: You talk to that sneaky looking Phil guy at the ticket booth, who can take you to Henesys for the amazing price of *gasp* 80 mesos! (This should leave you with just enough money to put your squishies back in storage if you dislike the hairstyle you get.)

IN WHICH CASE: You go to your storage (which is in mushroom park), and grab your squishy liquids.

THEN: leave Mushy park and travel right a few molecules to click upon Tom Swift, who takes you to Amoria.

WHERE: You do the hair quest! If you don’t like the results of the quest, just re-storage your remaining squishy liquids, delete your flawed-hairstyled character, and repeat until you get a desired hairstyle.
This method heartily decapitates time-consuming processes such as training for mesars and squishy liquids, and capitalizes on. . . uh. . .coolness.
Claudia is an evil, evil woman.

So I did that a few times, and ended up with an x-bow-woman to be with cute hair. ;D

Rundown 4: I was innocently gPQing when the smega spammage started, and squinted slightly when a familiar name popped up. ‘Twas about Faelli! (and some stuff about uber bows of mass destruction, etc)
So I whispered her, and we talked and buddied and stuff. She’s so much fun! <3

Rundown 5: I leveled to 51. I think I’ll rather miss Ludi PQing, now that the reality of muchos training is sinking in. D;<
Not that it won’t be peppered with random happenings, suicide attempts, and MMings.


So yeah. The last few weeks have been fun.

. . .and I only have 7900 more boars to kill. *insane gleam*

Oh yeah! Pictures!

Piccy 1: Fuzzoo and snail guts and I!
Piccy 2: X-bow-woman to be. ;D
Piccy 3: Eggy STAMPEDE! >;D
Piccy 4: Back in the olden days.

Finished now! <3

8 thoughts on “In which Claudia is an evil woman.”

  1. Sorry Hidden. I s’pose there’s a reason why I shouldn’t blog at 3 in the morning. *ponders*

    And I do know about Orbis PQ, Zapper. I just thought I would take a break from using PQ as my primary leveling tool. D;

  2. It was hard to read?
    I thought it was okay. XD

    About the One Percent Per 100 creatures thing. It’s been that way for me since. . . I can’t remember which level. >>;

    ‘Piat is the coolest. ^^

  3. I train on Master Chronos .

    1 = 0.005% .

    Eheh D:

    I offer you any sympathy I may have .

    And Parakeets can’t do Spinning Kicks .

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