And the pithy lass has been thinking.
Nothing deep of course, don’t worry.
The general gist of her thoughts seem to follow (numbered in descending order):
1. What in the world is one to write of when one is un-inspired?
2. Something about some kind of vile pirate swabbing the poopdeck of yon pirate vessel. And finally,
3. The mysterious fact that someone out there really likes ammaazingly beautiful pixelated girls.
That being said, I would like you to banish even the thought of the first two points from your pretty little heads, for they have nothing whatsoever to do with todays blog.
And so, with no more ado~
It was an ordinary day. I chattered away in the guild chat box – a rather common occurrence – all the while training away at the countless hoards of hamster-clocks that filled my screen.
Suddenly, IT happened.
Or to be more concise, IT ran into my guildmate, who let out an agonized shriek.
(warning: due to short-AND-long-term memory loss, the author notes that all words in quotes may or may not accurately represent the actual words spoken by the speaker.)
We were suprised – startled out of the peaceful and idyllic reverie the day had been up until this point. Then, wonderingly, we queried her as to what had prompted her to type such a sentence upon her keyboard.
“Ohmygoodness, what’s the matter Shades?”
. . .and we filled the screen with gasps and murmurs of sympathy upon hearing her reply. . .
For you see, Shades had encountered something so weird, so unearthly, and so utterly scientific-law-defying, that even the most blase and calloused member of the guild could not help but to sympathize.
Yes, Shades had – in one unlucky moment – encountered an “ILOVEYOU-AFTER-SEEING-YOU-FOR-LESS-THAN-A-MILLI-SECOND-BE-MY-MS-GF-PLOX-;(” man.
FACT: He had just happened to stumble upon her in the dark forests of sleepywood.
FACT: He was now WHISPERING her and muttering love stricken prose to her agonized ears.
FACT: He wanted. . .to marry her.
We all shuddered in horror and awe. After murmuring condolences for a while, some of the more pragmatic members of the guild instructed her to turn off whispers so that IT could not whisper her any longer.
Having done so, we all huddled close and came up with a most brilliant and daring plan.
We would send a sacrifice. A person to draw the attention away from Shades while she made her speedy getaway. Someone with bravery. . someone who was willing to give up their very sanity for their friend. Someone. . .someone who had a mule.
And so, not wishing to have any casualties of the main character types, a mule was chosen, and with utmost care was sent to the deep and woody place which we know as sleepywood. There the love-stricken “BE-MY-MS-GF-PLOX;(” man was located, and the plan was swiftly executed.
*cast your gaze upon yonder “picture 1” at this point*
The end came quickly. The lure was sighted, nibbled, and then wholeheartedly gobbled.
*see all the rest of the pictures nao*
Afterwards, the mule was buried deep beyond the murky depths of MS’s opening screen, and we all happily went on our perspective ways – happy to have saved our friend from such a fate.
The pleasant conversations resumed, as did the hapless murderings of innocent looking monsters.
All was well.
Until the next time, that is.
/End Blog.
Ah yes, it is most fun to be melodramatic. It seems quite odd to me that some people would want to begin a relationship – however superficial and shallow – based on the appearance of a pixelated game character.
Whatever floats one’s boat, I suppose.
In other news – I trained to almost 50% today, thanks to my friend Raggu. He trained me for a bit, and then we PQed. Muchos fun! =)
Hanging out and having fun..mmmyum.
Way to go.
I love the marriage proposal, I do.
Lmao. I love how you wrote this blog. The screenies are hilarious too.
I choked on a cookie while reading that T_T
Yay mules?
Aw, thanks for the comments! . . .Hope you be okay, Ganz. o.O *gives cookies*
P.S. The ‘we’ mentioned in above story was mostly me. I don’t think the guildy people got as much out of the event as I did.
So it is all rather elaborated. Aye for creative liberties? Aye!
lol “studly muffin”
Those screenshots are fantastic.
Fantastic use of adjectives in a snarky and dramatic manner. You get the Golden Cookie for Creative Adjective Use!
I’m guessing the guy got scared off. XD
At what, you say? Well. . .at everything!
Love the way you dealed with that guy.
Brilliant ^^
That made my day, yes it did *trundles back to camp*
Did the decoy get “uhm uhm uhm?”