levelling my theif

yes i need to level my theif
but i cant get concentrated. for the like first few minutes i log off and do somthing else
hes at 81% and level 16 but its just hard for me to level
anyone have thoughts to keep me concentrated?

or if you would like to help me….

4 thoughts on “levelling my theif”

  1. ChickenMan, I’d say this might not be the best game for you if you’re having trouble getting to level 20. The game just gets much harder later on in terms of levelling. Eventually it’ll take you days to do one level, then days to do 25% of one level. Do you want to commit that much time?

    That’s the thing that got so boring about MS — the game is basically just a training simulator. The “quests” are horrible. The only point of the game is to get higher levels or walk around and hang out with friends and have fun. But the training is so mind-numbing, literally. You learn after awhile that the only way you’ll be able to handle the training is to numb your brain. It was fun while it lasted tho

  2. i love this game alot but ive just been taking time off playing
    so maybe tomorrow if i have nuthing planned ill power level

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