cc pl0x

thats the most dreaded line anyone can hear. i mean come on. i have reasons why you shouldnt say this
1. the channel doesn’t have your name on it
2. sharing is caring
3. the map is ment for more then one
7. if Wizet never said a map is only for one guy. and besides sum1 could be going to a diferent map

now i bet if ppl train at zombies they might get that. but why would anyone listen to this anyway? they would be like suuuuure. yes i bet ppl are tired of hearing “th1s guy t0ld me to cc pl0x and i wuz l1k3 hel noz” but if we e-mailed Wizet about this, i doubt they would listen. they get like 4 trilion e-mails a day.

so now if people said. “could you please change channels im about to level up” now i would change channels for that. but cc pl0x will drive me insane. is anyone else tired of this?

*note i bet this didnt come out as i expected =(

6 thoughts on “cc pl0x”

  1. Omg,
    People if you want other people changing channels,
    Just say
    Excuse me can you please change channels?

  2. Actualy, i said “Um, could you guys please leave? I was here first” to some guys who started ksing me at Z4 today. As response I got “fck you V@gina face” ,


  3. I surprisingly came arcoss a guy once who ACTUALLY said “change channels please”!

    It was amazing to me! Never had I once seen someone say it not abrieviated!

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