Would you mind helping me please?

Hello everyone and i would like you to help me with ideas with a story.
*sigh* Yes i am lazy.
I have no idea for a story neither i have an idea how to make a good one.
If you would help me,i thank you very much.

-Thank you for taking your time reading me.-

3 thoughts on “Would you mind helping me please?”

  1. Nevermind,i just discovered Indigolove has created a guide on that 😛

  2. Eh heh ^^;; -was about to post a long paragraph on this-

    😛 Well, good luck anyways.
    I wanna read your new blogs ^o^

    Heh, just remember. . .
    Don’t change yourself just to please the audience.
    Don’t worry about people liking your blogs.

    Good luck~!

  3. Thanks again for the guide Indigo!
    And i am already good in grammar(not showing-off :P) though that my first language is not english :O
    Well,anyway i have to go to sleep ^^
    G’night everyone!


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