Kerning pq rox
This is what i got
star earring
overall dex 10%
Green Bamboo hat
2 brown bamboo hat
Tons of elixers
50 mana elixirs
Heneseys on the other hand is pro
I got reef dagger
aluminim base ball bat
mithral guards
magical staff
billls of pig heads
Pig ribbons!
I’m starting to see a pattern. Ten bucks to whoever can guess it.
The spacing and randomness of his blogs?
And the spammines?
vivelin you are smart
-Hands Dark $10-
-Smacks chaos-
-Runs Froggie’s hands through a paper shredder-
-Smacks chaos-
-Runs Froggie’s hands through a paper shredder-“
Why are so many people quoting without comment recently? Just curious.
Post war, my dear. post war.
Oh. Well sorry, I’m in a posting mood
Maybe I’ll participate too?
You’ll never compete with me in the blog section.
Go and compete with Ganzand FunnyFroggy in the forums >D
Stop spamming!