
I’m so tired.
Too tired to even open my eyes,
I need them closed

I’m disgusted with the world.
So disgusted,
I wouldn’t care if it disappears.

There’s too much trouble,
too much chaos,
I want my eyes closed.

I don’t want to see any more of this,
What life would be like,
if we can close our eyes.

As I lean against the wall,
I need support,
I want to close my eyes.

I want to close my eyes against this,
the terror,
the horror.

The world is no more,
it’s all a dream.
I want to close my eyes.

I want to think back,
when I was younger,
times ago.

I want to close my eyes,
and dream,
a life without problems.

Close my eyes and wonder,
what would cause us pian,
if we can shut our eyes.

{Story} As a new born. I open my eyes. I cry cause I’m scared…scared, so as my natural instincts kick in. I begin to cry, cry for help. Where was I? As I continue to cry, I hear voices around me. I look up and see the sweet face of my mother. As she begins to soothe me, I quiet down. As I close my eyes again, I thought, “Everything would be alright.”

As I grow older, I become more reliable on myself. I turn away from my mother, one of the protection I would ever have. I turn away from my sanctuary, my only safe and most dependable place. Where my mother is, I’m safe. As I turn around, I can’t see her anymore. My eyes are open to the other part of the world I’ve never known till now. The harsher, the dirtier, and the chaos of this world. As my eyes fill up with all these horrors, I try to turn around. I try to find my mother again. I try so hard, but I can’t move. I was alone. I want to close my eyes again. I want to feel my mom’s arms around me, enclosing me, to know that I’m safe. I want to hear her sing to me like she ues to. I want to close my eyes, like I once had, and everything would be alright.

Lorie* <3

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