What’s the appeal with WoW? I tried giving it a go for a few days and it was interesting, but I don’t feel any humongous draw. I’m not immune to getting hooked on a game or MMO, but this one just didn’t do it for me. So I’m curious what about this game has hooked so many people?
14 thoughts on “WoW Appeal?”
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heh yes MS has stuck to me for a while now
yeah sorta-ish. im pretty much hooked ><
Many people at my school play WoW, so I think a lot of people play it because they can do it with their friends, and it is the most popular one out there (imo). I don’t have the cash though, so Maple is much better for me! I actively recruit Maplers at my school, hehe. Three of my friends who pay for online game accounts now play more Maple than the other game!
I love WoW mainly because I’ve been a fan of Warcraft all the way back since the first RTS.
The game is so addicting for me because of the characters, the abilities, the CUSTOMIZATION, and the huge, expansive world which I finally have gotten the chance to be immersed in. I love the jobs, the classes, the setup entirely. It’s a wonderful game.
I think you should give it another try.
its like battleon or runscape. no one knows why people pay for them.
no one knows,
Well yes, no offense but you’ve only gotten to lvl 11-12? I think it’s not catching your interest because you got so far on Maple Story? Again I mean no offense but as you get going on it, such as around lvl 30-40 it’ll just start getting addicting. Of course now with Burning Legion out there’s a lvl 70 max level along with flying mounts, which makes it even more likable.
Most of the fun in WoW happens when you hit level 60. That’s where most of the draw comes from. I tried it too. I actually liked MS better. I’ve played a lot of WoW and I preferred MS. Do you still play a lot of Maple Story?
Yea, im a WoW power gamer, and i love it, WoW is diverse, great graphics(not 2d like runescape or Maplestory*not bashing on maplestory, i love this game to, its all i played before i could affored WoW*) Also, WoW makes sure every char has advantages and disadvantages, unlike MS where mages are dominate till like 50+. Another thing is that there is no kill stealing, if you tap a enemy in this game you get full loot/xp.
The cons are parties. In maple everyone gets to loot in a party, but at the same time people in MS, no matter how many are like 12 year olds, they are trustworthy, and they wont ninja(steal) items. In WoW, if you dont have the loot method on master looter, you could have items stolen, although in Round Robin/Need Before Greed/Group Loot, you roll for items, although if you DO need a items and no one eles does you auto win it. Also, in parties in maple, you get decent xp, in WoW, if you party, you loose 10% xp for all 5 members in a party.(2% each party member, including yourself if you start one) But anyways, WoW is a great game, and if you can afford it. I recomend it highly.
Means ur coming back to MS ?
haha thenuke what do you think i do in guild off time? Cycoticmage on Scania!
I would think it has everything that a person could ask for in an mmo
extremely diverse quests, equipment, skills etc. it has one of the most extensive pvp systems i have ever encountered in an mmo. Personally, I am drawn in by its sheer vastness of terrain and beautiful scenary. My only complaint about WoW is the honor system
play online counter-strike! its fun man, although it is old,
Being a warcraft veteran myself I fell in love D: ‘Course, the D&D aspects of any fantasy game like Warcraft does it for me. >D
maplestory wish i could play warcraft though but you have to buy it T_T
I love the WoW environment. Almost everyone I’ve encountered has been extremely helpful, and the fair loot-sharing system means I won’t hesitate to party with someone together on a quest. I play MS for a year or two, and about 95% of the people I met on there were extremely rude and childish. I think the fact that you have to pay for WoW alone weeds out most of the rude little kids. The GMs are extremely active (you can pretty much contact one whenever you need to, and actually get an answer), the emphasis is on fun more than constant grinding and levelling, and it’s far more customizable than MapleStory. You can change your whole talent build at any time, to go from being, say, a pure support Priest to a damage-dealing Shadow Priest, just by paying a little in-game gold to one of your job instructors. Super fun!
Though personally, I prefer the 2d aspect of MapleStory. I guess I’m just old fashioned like that.