Started playing RF Online the other day, there’s a 10 day trial available on their page so I thought I’d give it a go. Overall, it’s a fairly enjoyable experience. There’s still the levelling grind, but it’s much less so than MS, and there’s quite a few quests and things to help break it up.
What’s most interesting to me is the fact that the game takes place in the future. There are your typical warriors in the game as well, but you can also shoot guns or plasma bows and the like. And there’s even a big robot class. It’s really different and quite fun. Too bad it costs to play.
Yeah, I saw RF online, and it looked like an interesting game, but I just don’t have the money to spare to buy monthly, or the will to split my efforts between MapleStory and another game. Watching the game trailer was fun though.
what does rf stand for?
I stopped and read through the RF Online box the other day while I was alphabetizing the PC Section at work {alphabetizing game sections at EB Games is like hell and a half}, and I was tempted to buy it, but I wasn’t for having to pay monthly membership fees, but the game itself and the description on the box looked really nice and oh so tempting.
wow is that a machinegun if so awsome XD
cool gunslinger
Any chance that you’ll be able to restore the blogs to their former state?
looks kind of lame compared to trickster
Theres a leather pants over there!
if you like that,it looks just like ran.ran is by the makers of ms but i think ran is see you can become a swordsmen,munk,archer,and shaman.but what sucks is that only guys can be a swordsman and a munk n girl can only br a archer and a shaman.theres a magican job too but i dont know how they become one.weird
Dude, pirotess, this blog is like almost a year old. Why you replying to it still?
Captin, can you help me delete this mmoid >.<

pleasee D:
i hate it so much
i`ll make a new one buts can u pretty please help me delete this one
Yeah I hate games that make you pay money too
I’ve played RF Online, alot of fun. One of my good friends plays it religiously so it makes it better.