
So I went to AMoria for that free hair style thingy and I love it. My friends kept telling me that the styles were bad and stuff. But they love it too. =DD It looks so much better now. My jester looks purtyer on me but I still dont prefer to wear it. And my friend is getting married someday. My riend and I was talking in guild chats and she wanted to get married to someone. Then I mentioned another one of the guild members. But she doubted that she would get marrried to him. And she IS gonno get married to him now. Im so good ;D Now theres gonno be 3 married couples in our guilld soon.

9 thoughts on “x3333”

  1. THeres 2 couples that are both in the guild And me with another guy whos in a different guild.

  2. Hey, you got an Angelica? Congrats! I got the ugly Polly so I had to buy some NX to fix it, heh. Glad to see that some people got good hair. :3

  3. I’m glad you were lucky with the hair style. *nods*

    And congrats to your friends on getting married. ^__^

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