Well today i gain a total of 1.5mill at sakura kitties. Yes they are good mesos lol. I was annoyed by a few ppl trying to get me to buy a orange tai. -_-” even when i have a blue one. Its not like im stupid…im preped already when im 4lvls away lol well its awesome anyways. Still trying to get a good asianic hopefully i win…Well im at like 73%? i nearly double my exp since i was at like 35% or so. so im quite happy about that. Just 30% more till i lvl again!
Then ill have to choose to put into PKB or AB….lvl 2PKB and lvl 17 AB. So hard to choose!!! both are need and needed sooner or later….and im not sure if want a good KB or good mob dmg…ah well when i have to choose i will!
Oh and also one last thing i think iv found my new word just cuz…NUBCAKE!!! i love it idk why…i use to say it long time ago…and im starting to say it again now lol
hm, i can’t answer that question sorri, cuz i have no idea what those acronyms stand for, lol yes, i’m a newb in maple XD even if i’ve been playing since forever.
i didn’t get an asianic because well, i was too poor and it cost 10-15mil for a good one back then,(i have no idea how much it costs now XD) but good luck getting one 
it’s nice to hear that you’re earning money and exp at the same time
– VanillaPocki –