I Hate *SOME* Noobs

i was just having fun today playing on my new sin who got to lvl 32 today. i was having fun training in fire boars when this lvl 2x bowman came out of nowhere. im having fun training and this noob asks me to train him. Of course you would lvl faster if u actually trained urself than asking all diff channels for training. anyways back to the story, i said no cause i was trying to get to lvl 35 asap to ludi pq with my guild members who are alread lvl 40+ so he said ok and started to fight the fire boars. he killed them in like 5-6 hits so i told him he would have better exp fighting at boars or pqing but he wouldn’t leave. i just keep training and he yells out stop ksing… i was on the channel first, he can barely kill fire boars and he’s asking me to stop ksing? so he keeps yelling at me. i said no i was here first and ur barely getting exp anyways and i give him a lecture. i mean in ms theres always gonna be ksing cause its part of training. wut u gonna do go to a diff channel if one person is in slime tree, boar land, or hhg? so i gave him a dam lecture about ksing and why im ksing him, so the dam nub defames me and went to beg another person for training. i mean its true theres always gonna be ksing and i was just trying to help him out. and what do i get in the end? a dam nub ending up defaming me. GOD DAM NUBS.

7 thoughts on “I Hate *SOME* Noobs”

  1. they all suck, i get ksed by every1 so i like to take my anger out on the ksers outside henesys ^^ its quite fun when ur angry

  2. i say that, if youre weak enough to get ksed, then youll get ksed deal with it lol

  3. and bing there doesn’t make it yours, im lvl49 and if your in broa, i would go protect that guy >: [
    he did the right thing by defaming u and KSing is against MS rules and can lead to bann

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