MMO tales

I think this applies to most of the “writers” here. Pretty good for “Toothpaste For Dinner.” They are pretty hit or miss; and in this case, it hits.

8 thoughts on “MMO tales”

  1. Toothpaste for dinner . . .?

    That was a good idea .


    Pretty hit?

    That means they are good. . I guess?

    If it means the complete opposite, I apologize, and admit I must disagree with you .


  2. That’s why I write real books in my free time and my “None computer time.”
    My life is ALMOST ALL computer. Besides Church, school, and my up-comeing job.
    GOOD JOB! I liked the picture, it made me do the ha-ha-laughing! ^~^ ^o^ ^_^

    – Little preacher man.

  3. Toothpaste for Dinner is this website with random comics.


    I remember looking at it a while ago.

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