Ant Tunnel

“cc plz or i defeme u nub!” ~Noobs from the Dead

There was a time when the Ant Tunnel was peaceful. The ants crawled up together to have a party. Not noticing them, Horned Mushrooms and Zombie Mushrooms and Evil Eyes started crawling in from the apparent holes the ants made. Soon, the Ant Tunnel was crawling with monsters that the ants had to flee from their homeland forever.

People soon came in and started to kill these monsters. People ranging anywhere from the early 20’s to the late 100’s, power-leveling, grinding, chatting, and what-not. Killing the monsters would yield in either 35, 42, or 50 experience points from Horned, Zombie, and Evil Eyes respectively. Knowing that this was a great level to kill Zombie Mushrooms off of, I sprawled on over there and entered the dreaded Ant Tunnel.

So I killed those white fungi for about 15 minutes. There is this other person, name who I will censor out, who comes in. I greet him gutturally. “Hi,” I say.

“It’s great meeting you.” After saying that, he went back up to the Horned Mushies. So I continued on and killed more Zombie Mushrooms. During that time, I got a swell 10%.

Twenty minutes later, the same bandit comes back down. “Ahh… I got KS’ed up there. I will now take your spot.”

Thinking in my mind, that was wrong, so I say, “Can I go up there for proof?”


So I went up. Crawling up the spiked ladders, I go on the platform, the same platform that held the exit to Sleepywood. I teleported down, and saw either the illusion of George Bush, or no one. Seeing as though George Bush doesn’t play MapleStory, I’d suspect that it was no one. So I go back down and say, “Hey, you lied.”

The bandit chuckled, and continued killing said monsters mentioned above. “Now can I please have my spot back?”

“No, you may not.” The bandit continued killing, once again.

“Fine, I’ll report you for harassment,” I quickly retaliated, knowing that that was the right thing to do. And so I did, and he goes afk. A few minutes later, he comes back, and says, “cc plz or i defeme u nub!” And so I go… O.o.

8 thoughts on “Ant Tunnel”

  1. Uh.

    Well, that was kinda your fault, but I strongly suspect that he would’ve KSed you out of your spot anyways, or at least tried to. o.o;;

  2. Oh Great. . . my antics have spawned yet ANOTHER Alternate Character Account.
    This is from those “BOOM! HEADSHOT” phrases. . .
    Ugh. .

    Next thing I know, there’s gonna be a “KAAAHHHNNNN” account.

    Why hasn’t anyone awarded me yet?
    I’ve caused the creation of at least 6 new accounts.

  3. Grimno said: “Oh Great. . . my antics have spawned yet ANOTHER Alternate Character Account.
    This is from those “BOOM! HEADSHOT” phrases. . .
    Ugh. .

    Next thing I know, there’s gonna be a “KAAAHHHNNNN” account.

    Why hasn’t anyone awarded me yet?
    I’ve caused the creation of at least 6 new accounts.”

    You’re not the only one that says “Boom! Headshot!” ya know. o.o

    And that Kahn phrase is from Star Trek. o.o


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