I. Have. Decided!

Okay. I’ve decided to start writing stories.. but where does everyone get their ideas or ‘feelings’ from. Im completely stuck -.-

I’m not sure about romance.. cause i think i’ve never even writing anything like that.. not even in my school work O.O but i, myself, like stories with a romance so perhaps when you’re commenting you can also help? >.<

Sigh. Everyone seems to have nabbed all the ideas.



8 thoughts on “I. Have. Decided!”

  1. it should come to u
    u dun write stories with no idea, thats just weird -.-
    use that thing in yur head
    starts with I,

  2. Well, to let you in a little secret.
    I get my ‘feelings’ from Girls Gone Wild.

    Lol, jk. It’s actually sad things I see all around the world and, people around me? Wait, ITS LIFE!

  3. Get some random inspiration and write out from that. =D

    My story started with one random line and now it’s 13 chapters and still going. >w< It was just a random line that hit me while I was Mapling. . .

    When it hits you, it’ll hit you. And when it does, I promise to read it.


  4. Well, you could link Maple Story to real life. That’s what I did with my story. A Maple Story School.

  5. I’ve had the idea for mine for a long time, but I’m taking a lazy-vacation. 😛 The creativity just is not becoming unto my writing, so that I do not.

  6. Well, get a plot first, then start writing around it. If you want ideas, just find something that will inspire you, like a certain character or something, I get my inspiration from my friend, just seeing him makes me laugh and start writing. XD

  7. Hi, i think you should do like. . . an autobiography of what you did everyday and such? I’m doing autobiography. . . once high school homework FRIGGIN CALMS DOWN, I HAVE 4 REPORTS ON THE 1ST DAY OF SCHOOL! WHO THE EFF GETS HOMEWORK AT THE 1ST DAY OF SCHOOL %#%!@%


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