Congratz Jay and Kai on your marriage, my you both live long blah blah blah.
What made me annoyed was that I had to do alot of stuff for the wedding. If you noticed, I whispered everything to the priest because he didn’t know how to be one, and I promised to be best man. Also I had to help Jay practice cause he didn’t know when to say I do and when to kiss her. it was still really fun, and then things got wierd. In the after party, like everyone got drunk. The guys started kissing each other O.o, and the girls stood back. It ended with a honeymoon in aqua. Woot go Jay. Congradulations Jay and Kai.
Picture 1= Bride saying I do, Note the whispers
Picture 2= The kiss
Picture 3= Honeymoon
Picture 4= Helping Jay practice
Picture 5= Everybody who came to the wedding
Picture 6= If I could it would be a black screen, the real honeymoon *wink*
Thank you to all who read this.
Man, that wedding was great. Jay and Kai are a great couple. ^^
Congratz on your wedding Jay and Kai!
=D hehe nice job, if it was in Scania i would’ve come and any1 who is having a wedding INVITE ME!
“i’ma use avenger when they kiss” LOL >.>
cool wedding gratz jay and kai
Gratz on your wedding ^^ =P (check my blogs >_>)
I wish i could be the next one to marry
(desperate, XD no i’m not XD OH WELL)
– VanillaPocki –
WAHOO! Congratulations for Kai and Jay! *claps hand*
I don’t really see the point in internet relationships, but whatever. >.>
That is pathetic
To defile one of the sacred sacraments in such a horrific way. . .
Um dude, your more pathetic making fun of this, if you hate it, then don’t say anything. Dude you weren’t even there, how do you know. That’s right you don’t. So shut it.
Now, now, let’s not make fun of each other.
Use a wider variety of insults instead! =D
Congratulations to those two. That wedding looked like a whole lot of fun. x3 Hope they’re happy together!
Thats so sick-.- get a rl Wife
mortality if u dont like if go ge ta fckin wife u ass
Cant I express my opinion?