Their Broken Hearts-Chp1

He was always loyal, and so was she. But one day, she made a mistake, and their world began to crumble.

They traveled down the road, hand in hand. A big heart kept surrounding the two lovers, Arc and Aira. They smiled warmly at each other as they crossed they field, not playing attention to the death of the snails. They were always together, inseperateable some said. They were the most popular couple in the maple story world, and nothing could ruin their reationship. People always stared and whispered, some girls giggles, some guys watched Arc with admiration. On occassion, people tried to get between the two couples, but Arc always smash them down with his sword.

Today was a very cloudy day in maple, and the streets were buzing with people. Arc and Aira traveled down the road, trying to avoid all the people crowding the streets. Then the rain came. People began pushing into each other, trying to get through the streets. Now Arc and Aira were scared. They tried running to the nearest inn, but people pushed and shoved. There intangled hands began to unweave. Then both there hands were split apart.



They were both being pushed in seperate directions. They watched as their crush ring got out of range, and soon both of them were split.

Arc couldn’t believe that this was happening, how could he let her slip from him. He was the boyfriend. He tried to manuver through the crowd, but to no avail. All he could hear was incoherent screaming, and the stench of death that filled the air. He saw a large black object round the corner, and shoot a fireball into the running crowd. He didn’t want to die, not here not now. He quickly pulled out his weak swords and threw them at the black figure, who smacked them away. He watched as a fireball travel toward his position…

Aira looked as Arc dissappered from sight. No, she had to catch up to him. Luckily she was a mage.
“TELEPORT”, she yelled, as she flew into the air and landed on a balcony. She now knew what she saw. A black figure was shooting fireballs at the crowds of people. Then she saw him. Arc threw swords at the beast, but the beast swated them away. Then it shot a fireball…

It came towards him very fast. People pushed and shoved, and he tried to climb over the people, but it came closer and closer. He felt hot fire melt over his skin for a second, and then he felt nothing.

She saw him burn in the flames, and saw the bodies burn. His dissappered very fast, but everyone else burned very slowly until that section was gone. The black beast continued its rain of destruction, as Aira watched it slowly mow down mapler after mapler. Tears mixed with rain ran down her face, as she broke down into sobs.

“ARC!”, she cried as her face became covered by her hair. She teleported back on to solid ground, which was filled with the smell of brunt bodies. Her body slumped, as she stepped over body after body. She spotted an inn, and after much thought headed inside.

He felt a sense of flying. He thought he was floating forever. “So this is what happens when you die…”, he said. All he could think about was Aira, and never being able to see her smiling face again. Suddenly, he felt his body move, and his mind suddenly rushed back to his body.

He was inside a quiet room. Nobody was there, but a note was next to the table he was on. He began to read it slowly, but deliberatly.

Aira came inside to find a nearly full inn. Many people were talking about the black monster, but she didn’t care. She just didn’t care about life anymore. She walked up to a young woman who worked at the front desk. “One room please”, Aira said with no emotion. “Oh I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to share a room, we are all full.” “I don’t care”, she finally replied. “Ok your room number is 101, have a good day”, and with that Aira headed to her room.

Arc looked at the note and began to read.

Dear Warrior,

You many be wondering how you got out of the way of the Monster’s path. Well I grabbed you with teleport and pulled you out of there. I saw how brave you were to be the only one to attack the monster, so I decided I should help. I will be gone for awhile, but you can stay in this room. NO MOVING YOUR STILL HURT. Have a good night.


He laided back down on his bed. So that’s how he survived. He looked around and noticed the basic essentials. A bathroom, and fridge, and another bed next to his. He looked up at his room number. Room 100 huh…

Aira pushed her key into Room 101 and opened the door. She saw a young man without a shirt laying on a bed watching tv, his dagger lay on his chest. He looked up and saw her enter the room, and put his head back on the pillow. She felt really tired, and she laided on her bed. All she could do was think about Arc gone. Tears fell from her eyes once again, but she turned away from her roommate, so she couldn’t look at him. He watched her turn, and carefully turned off the tv. He put away the dagger, and walked over to her.

She felt his presence and wiped away her tears. She slowly stared into his eyes, and saw his face. “He looks just like Arc…” she thought. She pulled herself up from bed, and quickly crashed her face into his, pulling him down onto the bed. “Arc…”, she whispered.

Arc laid in his bed unable to sleep. He heard thumping in the other room, but paid no attention to it. The he heard his name called out. “Arc…” He fell asleep.

Aira woke up, yawning as she did. The first thing she noticed was that she had no clothes on. Then she felt the presense of another body on the bed. “Oh no…”

11 thoughts on “Their Broken Hearts-Chp1”

  1. I like.

    But you should try putting in some more details, and make the storys a bit longer please.


  2. Nice Blaze, but like they said, a little pervy.
    BTW, you’ve made lots of stories and never finished them, you need to stick to one story at a time. Unless you make 1 chapter stories. o.O

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