Worst server check ever.

The worst server check ever. Boomers wont go BOOM anymore. They cant replicate as fast since this BULLSHIET server check happend. NLC is official now New Lame City. Just like the omega sector.

I also heard the price of pots went up too. O wow, I guess Im broke agian. 60% scrolls WG atck cant help me anymore since about 70% of maplers have them now. I thought Nexon had good ideas, I really did. But now, I will Never ever be greatfull on what Nexon does.

Dammit I shoulda stocked up on Pizzas!

And I can only HEAR and not SEE whats going on. You know why?!

Because Maple cant work anymore. I tried everything on Basil and what they recomenned to do. I did all of that crap and it still doesnt work. Im beggining to think Nexon screwed up big time. Wizet should find out and back-hand the companys executives across the face with a frozen dead chicken.

And also they made new cash shop items, yeah. Crappy ones. I hear those new fancy boots looks nice. But people are complainging it sucks monkey b4lls.

Before this server check the income was FINNALY doing fine. Everyone was happy with the New Leaf City. But after ther server check I bet NLC will be abandon and deserted like Omega Sector and Korean Folk Town

Good job on screwing up maple agian nexon.


On the little tiny bright side.

Noone will lag at Boomers no more.

15 thoughts on “Worst server check ever.”

  1. What?! Monkey ****? Aee you kidding me? I don’t believe a word of this conspiracy!


  2. Damn it.

    Warrior/Thief/Wizard/Archer elixirs are now 5k, before they were 2k.
    Ginseng Root, now 2k, before 1.5k. (This one is okay)
    Ginger Ale, now 5.5k, before 2.2k. Sucks.
    Mana Bull / Honster, now 4.5k, before 1k. F***.

    Nexon has turned its back on us for the last time… I’m going to end my life

  3. LOL, MasterCheeze, you should feel sorry for the people who’ve lost their training places. Your assassin has many other places to train, for there is much monsters in the game society.

  4. Fenrir said: “MS is free.

    Get used to this.”

    Its free to me because I dont buy nx

    *Maybe with mesos but thats it

  5. Zaboombafu said: “LOL, MasterCheeze, you should feel sorry for the people who’ve lost their training places. Your assassin has many other places to train, for there is much monsters in the game society.”

    Yah, but only one moster that could copy itself and people only with area skills could train effeciently at. I felt so left out.

  6. Ganzicus said: “Damn it.

    Warrior/Thief/Wizard/Archer elixirs are now 5k, before they were 2k.
    Ginseng Root, now 2k, before 1.5k. (This one is okay)
    Ginger Ale, now 5.5k, before 2.2k. Sucks.
    Mana Bull / Honster, now 4.5k, before 1k. F***.

    Nexon has turned its back on us for the last time… I’m going to end my life…”

    Mana Bulls and Honsters used to be 1.5k.

    I should have stocked up on those Warrior Elixers, and maybe some Wizard Elixers.

    Nice acronym. New Lame City.

  7. XD

    I did buy some of those pots… Should’ve restocked on the whole kit ‘n’ kaboodle before this inflation crap.

  8. Inflation?!? Rawr, I use a ton of pizzas on my sin too,

    And I miss all those Boomer mobs, those were some good times while it lasted. >.>

  9. What? No more Boomer mob training? Mana pots are 4.5k? Nuuuu D: And I was having so much fun at NLC too.

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