She asks for help for a mere headache? And she calls it sickness HA!.She is Maya.How did she get her sickness?Where did she get it?Who is she?What is the medicine?
Well I found out how she got it.If you done her quest and press Q.It will say she gave you a brown bamboo hat.You said when you put the hat on,you heard insects in the bamboo hat.Well theres her sickness.In real life she could die.The bug must have crawled into her ear and lodged itself to her brain.Which can cause sickness and death.But its a game so just a headache.Maya must have worked on the field on a bright sunny day.Since it was hot,she put her bamboo hat on. A insect must have crawled into her hat when she took the hat off to get a drink.Maya is a field worker.Picks crops and sells to the market.But one day she didnt.And stopped picking to ask people to find her a weird medicine.The medicine was made of octo legs, squishy liquids,undead charms, leafs, and 1 arcons blood.Her sickness must have been bad. The key ingridient was the Arcons blood.Maya could have just got the arcons blood because the blood was really the cure to every sickness but AID/HIV.So the people who did the quest worked hard for nothing.
This NPC was hard to uncover.But people wanted to find the truth so i gave it to them.Next NPC to uncover that Viking guy in lith harbour.
Lol i dont know what would happend if a bug was lodged into her brain im just making it up =D
LOL what can i say indigo im in a rush ^_^
Uhhhh, an insect came lodged itself inside my brain through my ears while I was out in the field. I didn’t feel anything,
Dude, Maya must have severe paralysis.
And that’s the truth! Stay classy San Diego.
Hahaahah! These are so original, I LOVE them to death! <33 I’d be a fan if they were possibly in correct grammar ^^;;; But whatever, still luff.
And the Viking dude would be Olaf :3
I have requests for the next one after Olaf
it would be as follows
FIRST OFF LIST = SHUMI, Wuts next with her jumping quests, Shumi’s Lost Credit Card?! Why does she ALWAYS lose her money, o.o””? WHERE IS HER WALLET! How does she lose her stuff so deep down the contruction sites, o.o”’
2.Ericson of Orbis. No offense, this guy is a coward, T____T, he looks big and tough, i forgive him having a kitty on top of his head, but i mean, comon! kill kitties?! and being scared of those poor innocent looking kitties, o.o?! wuts with him, XD
3. Huckle, 10th floor of Orbis, er, wuts his relationship with Lisa, er, Moppie, err, triangle, er, *confused*
4.Mr. Mohammed and his Camel, everytime I see them, it makes me laugh, XD It’s just so random, o.o” how can a camel be in iceland?!?!?! FOREIGNERS!
ANYWAYZ! Yes! My list is done XD
HAHA Niiice a bug crawled in . . . ewww =]