Ericsson is a roman. He may look like a huge,buff, and scary guy.But he is not. He has feelings.Feelings to his cat mostly. He is a wuss to some people and some to not. Who Ericsson? Whats up with his cat? Whats up with the cat on his head? And why does his face turn red?
Ericsson is a wuss. A big strong wuss who would drop anyone for telling him he is a wuss. His cat is his best friend and always was. The history of Ericsson is that when he was a child he lost his family in a fire at his house. When he was walking around the ashes of his house he found this kitty. The kitty was just born because his family house had a big yard. The cats who lived the the yard died in the fire but the kitten. So Ericsson kept and took good care of the kitty. Ericsson needed a job so he went to Corporal Wilson for a job. Since Wilson lost contact with his platoon he dicided to stay. When Ericsson wanted a job he was hired since he had cash on him, he gave Ericsson a job. His kitty was by his side always. The job Wilson gave Ericsson was carrying boxes of pet food to his selling spot. Ericsson worked for Wilson all his life. His kitty was still always with him or on top of the boxes he was carrying. The boxes were really heavy and after all those years of carrying them, Ericsson got strong and buff. But Ericsson still had a heart pure kindness and fun. Now his kitty is now a cat. Ericsson is still working for Wilson. Wilson pet store was the ebst and only place to sell food in Orbis. So Ericsson had alot of money to spend. But he spends his money on the homeless and pet adoption. Ericsson cat is now on his enourmouse head because the cat is unusually old for a cat. So the cat stays on his head because it can barely walk. Ericsson face turns red because that means the cat pee on his head.
oO Lol. A big strong wuss who would drop anyone for telling him he is a wuss.
I like that imagery.
REQUEST!REQUEST! *raises hand*
I <3 your blogs and I want you to try to reveal the secret behind the storage man in El Nath, and his camel, <(O.O)> they seem to have come from a very very far place XD and the are different colours from the El Nath theme (warm colours) anywayz! If you have time, ^^
~ Looking Forward to your Next Blog ~
– VanillaPocki –