If maple story didnt exist

What would you do?

For me i would go practice sparring to get ready for contest and crap. But most likely play xbox or ddr

12 thoughts on “If maple story didnt exist”

  1. Reality will seal up around itself, and go on its merry way. And we wouldn’t even know.
    Go figure.

  2. i would play, gunbound/runescape/neopets until i found a better game =like flyff
    what would you do if nobody invented the computer?

    If you think you’re free, there’s no escape possible.

  3. gunz suck, i beleive an online gun-game aint a good idea, More of an RPG is best 😀 and i would die! i would cry so much i would, uhh, To big to describe T_T

  4. hm, if i didnt my bro woulda found another MMORGP for me to play =D lolz
    That or maybe i would stil be sitting in front of the tele watching shows 24/7 XD

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